Holocaust Memorial Day 2011

‘Holocaust Memorial Day – 27 January – is a time to remember those who have been murdered in the Holocaust and under Nazi persecution, in Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur. On HMD we act to learn the lessons of the past to create a safer, better future.’

Please show your support for HMD2011 by lighting the memorial candle at: http://www.hmd.org.uk/

Stone Cold by Robert Swindells

‘Dave is just another sixteen-year-old who’s run away from home. New to London, he falls in with Ginger and, calling himself Link, begins to learn how to survive on the streets. However, a maniac is out there, stalking homeless young people and hell-bent on cleaning up the city…’

Class 5.5 have…

  • Written a Critical Essay
  • Debated and discussed the issue of homelessness

Freedom Writers – Media Unit

‘Based on actual diary accounts of several teenagers following the LA gang riots, FREEDOM WRITERS is the story of a young first-time teacher who inspires her class of at-risk students to learn tolerance, apply themselves, and pursue education beyond high school.’
The class will study plot and characterisation but also look at how director Richard LaGravenese uses cinematographic techniques such as: sound and music, lighting and colour, camerawork and mis-en-scene to create this powerful film.