Titanic Project

Class 3.3 are studying the famous sinking of the RMS Titanic on 15th April, 1912.  The class have are learning how to write informatively and have studied the rules of copyright and plagiarism. They have been researching this tragic event using non-fiction texts, the internet and televised documentaries.

Holocaust Memorial Day 2011

‘Holocaust Memorial Day – 27 January – is a time to remember those who have been murdered in the Holocaust and under Nazi persecution, in Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur. On HMD we act to learn the lessons of the past to create a safer, better future.’

Please show your support for HMD2011 by lighting the memorial candle at: http://www.hmd.org.uk/

Room 101 – Solo Talk

For anyone who hasn’t seen the television programme or read the novel 1984 by George Orwell. Room 101 is the place where all your worst nightmares are! Try to think about all the things that annoy or irritate you about life. Room 101 allows you to banish these things to a room forever!

Task: If you were asked to appear on Room 101, what would you banish?

Freedom Writers – Media Unit

‘Based on actual diary accounts of several teenagers following the LA gang riots, FREEDOM WRITERS is the story of a young first-time teacher who inspires her class of at-risk students to learn tolerance, apply themselves, and pursue education beyond high school.’
The class will study plot and characterisation but also look at how director Richard LaGravenese uses cinematographic techniques such as: sound and music, lighting and colour, camerawork and mis-en-scene to create this powerful film.

‘Stone Cold’ by Robert Swindells

‘Dave is just another sixteen-year-old who’s run away from home. New to London, he falls in with Ginger and, calling himself Link, begins to learn how to survive on the streets. However, a maniac is out there, stalking homeless young people and hell-bent on cleaning up the city…’

  1. Written an Imaginative Diary Entry.
  2. Researched homelessness and created a class display informing people of the reality of life on the streets. We think this shows that class 3.4 are responsible citizens.

‘Fighting Back’ by Catherine MacPhail

‘Kerry and her mum have recently moved into new council accommodation in a tower block. Kerry’s dad has recently left them, and Kerry and her mum are forging a new life together. But Kerry’s mum is not the calmest or the most patient of people, particularly when it comes to getting on with the new neighbours. And when Kerry’s mum refuses to be intimidated by Ma Lafferty, the local money lender, Kerry finds out that Ma Lafferty’s daughter more than takes after her mother A brilliantly topical story with flashes of humour detailing how a whole community can suffer from a few individuals.’

Class 3.4 have

  • Completed a Critical Essay
  • Discussed the issue of violence in the community

The Standard Grade Portfolio

Pupils must begin completing a folio of written work which is ready to send to SQA in 4th year. This folio is worth 33% of the pupil’s final grade and must include:
  1.   Response to Reading 1: Critical Essay (novel or short story)
  2.   Response to Reading 2: Critical Essay (poetry)
  3.   Response to Reading 3: Critical Essay (drama or media)
  4.   Writing Piece 1: Informative or Discursive Essay
  5.   Writing Piece 2: Personal or Imaginative Essay

Personal Reading

Class 3.4 have recently been making more regular visits to the library and enjoying personal reading time in class. Some have been reading at home and even the pupils who thought reading was ‘boring’ are getting involved!

A big Well Done guys, keep it up!

About Class 3.4

Pupils of 3.4 have now entered a big year! It is their first year of the Standard Grade English course during which they will begin creating a portfolio of work and preparing for exams. However, this doesn’t stop us studying interesting and enjoyable topics and texts. Have a look for yourself…