Holocaust Memorial Day 2011

‘Holocaust Memorial Day – 27 January – is a time to remember those who have been murdered in the Holocaust and under Nazi persecution, in Cambodia, Bosnia, Rwanda and Darfur. On HMD we act to learn the lessons of the past to create a safer, better future.’

Please show your support for HMD2011 by lighting the memorial candle at: http://www.hmd.org.uk/

Citizenship Competition

3S2 are divided into 3 teams: Sneddon Strikers, Sneddon Sisters, Super Sneddon.

Points are allocated on their citizenship contribution to the school considering areas such as punctuality,  bringing equipment and uniform as well as quizzes and creating posters and leaflets about important school and social issues.


August/September: Sneddon Sisters

About House Time

House Time starts at 9:00am every morning and lasts for 15 minutes. This time is used to ensure all pupils are ready for the school day ahead.

Wednesday is S3 assembly day. You should report straight to the theatre and sit in the correct rows. Remember to enter the theatre by the correct door and only use the side aisles – NOT the middle aisle.

Daily Checks: punctuality; uniform; school bag; pen/pencil; homework diary.