‘Up’ – Media Unit

‘Carl Fredicksen, a retired balloon salesman, is part rascal, part dreamer who is ready for his last chance at high-flying excitement. Tying thousands of balloons to his house, Carl sets off to the lost world of his childhood dreams. Unbeknownst to Carl, Russell, an overeager 8-year old Wildnerness Explorer who has never ventured beyond his backyard, is in the wrong place at the wrong time – Carl’s front porch! The world’s most unlikely duo reach new heights and meets fantastic friends like Dug, a dog with a special collar that allows him to speak, and Kevin, the rare 13-foot tall flightless bird. Stuck together in the wilds of the jungle, Carl realizes that sometimes life’s biggest adventures aren’t the ones you set out for.’


Class 2.1 will study plot and characterisation but also look at how directors Pete Doctor and Bob Peterson use cinematographic techniques such as: sound and music, lighting and colour, camerawork and mis-en-scene to create this fantastic film!

2 thoughts on “‘Up’ – Media Unit

  1. Hi 🙂 I’m finding our media study interesting , I had thought about watching up a while ago but it never appealed to me but I’m glad i’ve watched it now x

  2. Hi Rebecca! I thought you were enjoying it as you’ve offered some excellent points during class discussion – keep it up! 🙂

    How do others feel about the media unit?

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