2HS1 Pupils Attend Book Launch

Holly and Louise with author Daniela Sacerdoti.
Author Daniela Sacerdoti celebrated the launch of her first teenage novel, Dreams, at Waterstones, in Argyle Street, on Saturday 12th May. Louise Arthur and Holly MacDonald, two S2 pupils from the school, were invited to attend the event along with their English teacher, Miss Douglas and Miss McGough.
Daniela read a couple of exciting extracts from her novel and engaged in a question and answer session with the audience. Edinburgh singer songwriters, Kirstyn Knowles and Jenny Masterson delighted the audience with a song written about the novel’s heroine, Sarah Midnight, Do This Alone.
To finish off the event Daniela signed books and spoke privately with members of the audience about her writing and books.

The Philosophy of 2CH1


Miss Daly’s S2 class have been meandering through the hallowed halls of philosophy. We have conducted a personal study into the philosophers we admire and find interesting. Philosophy is all about asking questions and thinking about the answers.  

Do you know who Machiavelli was and why he is a main character in a popular game? Have you ever pondered about what your own philosophy on life might be? Do you know about the philosophy of William Blake and what he thought about schools?

 We have been asking some big questions! Read on, we have so much to tell you!