There are three places that CSS data can be stored for use with HTML files.
Inline CSS applies to one html element it is added as the value for a style attribute.
1 | < h1 style = 'color:red;' >Page heading</ h1 > |
Internal CSS is declared inside <style> which is located in the <head> area of the page. It applies to one page of html.
1 2 3 4 5 6 | < head > < head > < style > p {background-color:pink;} </ style > </ head > |
External CSS is stored inside a separate text file (.CSS) it applies to all webpages that link to it (applies to whole site). A link is required in the <head> of the HTML file this link includes the name of the CSS file
1 2 3 | < head > < link rel = "stylesheet" type = "text/css" href = "style.css" > </ head > |
The CSS file has the selectors and properties stored in the same way as internal
1 2 | #redBox { background-color : red ; Color: black ;} |