Advanced Higher – Project Ideas

Suitable projects could include, but are not limited to, the following: Designing and developing a:

  • program/information system that processes, stores and allows updating of sporting or other results
  • 2–dimensional game with ability to pause and store state of the game and restart, such as Connect 4, Battleships, Minesweeper, Noughts & Crosses, Chess, Draughts, Sudoku, etc
  • small social media website, that allows registered users to blog and share information
  • database-driven website, that allows users to search content and display, edit and update it appropriately
  • multi-player card game such as ‘Top Trumps’ or a card-matching game
  • question-based quiz, that randomises questions, processes and stores results, for example ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’, ‘Mastermind’, ‘Pointless’
  • simulation of the operation of a queue, a stack or a sort algorithm, or other similar computing science concept/process
  • interactive computer assisted learning tool that gathers and stores information
  • or any other projects offering similar challenge and complexity to the candidate

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