Term 2

Our new topic this term is weather and we are really looking forward to finding out lots about it!

Our new topic in maths is shape and we have been looking at 2D and 3D shape this week and it is amazing how much we already know about all different kinds of shapes. We have learnt about vertices, faces and edges of 3D shapes and have enjoyed finding shapes around the school.

The Illustrators and Publishers both got new books this week and are really looking forward to reading them!!

Primary 4 🙂


Update in Primary 4

Our first topic in gym was gymnastics. We all enjoyed it.

It was fun and exciting, I managed to do a forward flip off of the horse! – Eva

It was enjoyable, I liked going on the monkey bars. – Holly

I enjoyed playing on the wall bars. – Ethan

Our topic was the human body and we did a very fun experiment! For our experiment we used bread, coca cola and a plastic sandwich bag. We added the bread in pieces into the plastic bag and then we poured coca cola into it drop by drop. We waited until the next day to see our results. This experiment was to show us how the digestive system works.

I got to pour some of the coke into the bag with the bread, I thought it looked disgusting! – Peyton

I thought it was very fun but very disgusting! – Benjamin

I thought it was very fun but disgusting because it looked like the digestive system. – Elli

So far in Primary 4…

In literacy we have been practicing our phonemes and spelling tests, so far most people have been getting 10 out of 10! – Ayva

We are now on chapter 4 of Bill’s New Frock, I’m enjoying it so far. – Michael

In maths we have been practicing our 3 times table and most of the class know it already! – Lewis

This week is Maths week and we are doing patterns. – Erin K

Our topic is the Human Body, we have been learning about all the organs in the body. – Eva

Primary 4 is very very fun so far and we are all enjoying it! – Marcus

Here are some photos of us showing off all the organs we have found out about!


Yesterday p4 did some planting we put some cotton balls in small pots and some wet ones on top and then  we put the seeds on top and watered them. Next we put some compost in other small pots and then put other seeds in like sunflower seeds and watered them too. We will water them  2 times a day and take good care of them as a class and we also put them up at our windowsill so they can get some sun as well as water so they can grow nice and strong .And we hope they grow by the end of primary 4 so we can take them home.

By Jack and Laya 🙂

This week in Primary 4

Our new topic this term is Plants. We only started this topic yesterday and are really looking forward to learning more about plants. We are hoping to be able to plant some seeds in class to see how they grow. We also hope we can do some nice artwork to do with our topic.

In maths we are continuing with our time topic and are looking at analogue and digital clocks. We have managed to do some active stations and are really enjoying learning about time!

During literacy we have been doing a lot of reading and getting through our new novels very quickly. We are enjoying the books and look forward to finding out what happens in the end. We have also been on a word hunt this morning, looking for soft ‘g’ words around the class. This was great fun and some of us even got to hide the words the second time round!

Miss O’Neil and Primary 4 🙂

Stirling castle

Yesterday we visited Stirling castle, we had a great day! We learned from a carpenter all about wood joints that were used in the medieval times. We made catapults in pairs and really enjoyed the activity. We had a nice lunch in the sunshine. We then went a look around the castle and all sat at the huge banqueting table. Primary 4 loved Stirling castle and are looking forward to continuing to learn more about our Knights and Castles topic!

Here are some photographs of us from our trip.

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