
Transition to Primary

Pupils normally begin school aged 4½ and 5½. We have a close link with Cambusnethan Nursery Class as children tour the school and visit classrooms throughout the year. We also have two formal induction days in May, where all pre-school children get to meet their teacher, complete activities in class, meet their buddies and have lunch at school.

Transition to High School

Pupils normally transfer between the ages of 11½ and 12½ so they will have the opportunity to complete at least 4 years of secondary education. We have close links to our feeder secondary school which is, –

Mossland Drive
Tel: 01698 274920
Head Teacher – Mr McGilp

Primary 7 pupils take part in a number of transition events in their final year, such as, curricular days, competitions and quizzes and subject specialist teachers visiting them in class.