Christmas Show


I’m sure everyone will agree that the boys and girls of Cambusnethan Nursery were fantastic in their Christmas Show and Nativity.  It was obvious the children had been rehearsing at home, thank you to all the parents, family and friends who helped.  I know some of you got great photographs of your children, but here are just a few more. 

Remember our Christmas Show

Just a reminder that our Christmas Shows are on Monday 15th December. We are all so excited and the children have been working very hard preparing.

The AM show will be at 11am.
The PM show will be at 3pm.

We will be selling raffle tickets on Monday, but the draw won’t be till after the Christmas parties the following Monday.

*Children should attend nursery at their normal time.*


I am sure you have all noticed one of our raffle prizes in the cloakroom at nursery, Olaf from Frozen.  We are also creating hampers using your donations, thank you. Please keep donating and remember tickets are on sale for £1.00 a strip.

Christmas Trip

I’m sure you would all agree that we had a lovely time on Friday at Summerlee Heritage Centre.
Sparkle took the boys and girls to meet Mrs Claus, who let them have a seat in Santa’s chair. They had a look at the Naughty and Nice Lists and we are very lucky at Cambusnethan to have such good boys and girls as everyone was on the Nice List!
The children also decorated Sparkle’s tree, drew some pictures for Santa and made a decoration to take home.
Santa even gave Mrs Claus an early Christmas present for all the boys and girls. Thank you to everyone who was able to come.

Christmas has arrived

We had such an exciting day on Monday.

I’m sure the boys and girls have told everyone all about our special delivery.

Santa has sent a very special elf to the children at Cambusnethan nursery.  His name is Ernie and Santa says he can be quite mischievous.   He is here to make sure everyone is on the Nice List and to have fun with the boys and girls at Christmas time.  He brought all the groups advent calendars and every child a golden coin to celebrate the start of Christmas time and Advent.

We hope the children have lots to tell you about what Ernie the Elf is up to at nursery.Â