Primary 4/5

Skelmorlie Primary School newsletter term 1

Welcome to Primary 4/5! Our teacher is Miss Forbes. Mrs Campbell and Mrs Cameron help us with our learning, too.

Our class is made up of 6 Primary 4 pupils and 16 Primary 5 pupils.

We always try to uphold the school values of respect, responsibility, effort, co-operation, honesty and friendship.

We are all members  of committees and have joined Rights Respecting Schools, Pupil Council or Eco.

This term we will develop our Scots vocabulary and learn about Robert Burns. We are looking forward to our annual Burns Competition. Primary 4 will learn and recite a Scots poem and Primary 5 will do the same for Burns. We will also perform at the whole-school Scottish Assembly. Later in the term we will have a Science focus and enjoy STEM challenges.

Our P.E. lessons are on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Parents can find out more about our learning on Seesaw.








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