Wb 25-1-2021

Week 3, here we come!

Please upload your work into your OneDrive folder each day.
Click here to see instructions on how to do this

Monday is the start of ‘The Ultimate DrEAM Step Challenge’ , an inter school competition which is being run by Active Schools and KA Leisure.  I would like you all to take part in this as part of your school day. I have also signed up and will be taking part.

Follow this link to find out more about the competition and how to sign up.

Spelling Words

Spelling Challenge Cards



  • Spelling Rotation: Dictionary work – please remember to set your work out the way I would expect it in class when completing this work. Remember that you may use online search engines to help you find definitions too.
  • Complete Key Comprehension (in your jotter, in sentences)
    Group 1: Magpies
    Group 2: Bicycle Safety






  • Spelling Rotation: Up-levelled Spelling Sentences
  • Reading (Session 2)
    Red/Orange group: 101 Things to do before Secondary School (pg. 12-22)
    Blue group: Globe Challenge: Rainforests at Risk (pg. 13-22)
    Green group: Globe Challenge: Creatures in Danger (pg. 13-21)
    Purple group: Globe Challenge: Buried Treasure (pg. 13-23)
    Yellow group: Globe Challenge: Lost in Egypt (pg. 12-22)

Please ensure that you answer Bug questions fully and properly. I will be marking them after each session to ensure that you have done so.

Extension tasks: Guided Reading Challenge Cards




  • PE/Daily exercise (30-45mins) – Joe Wicks, Run, Walk, Play, Yoga etc


  • Complete an activity from the Scotland IDS Grid – all info and resources are on the Scottish Activity grid tab (Click here)



  • Spelling Rotation – Active Spelling (at least 4 activities completed please: Spelling Challenge Cards)
  • Grammar Task:
    Group 1: Please complete the Spelling & Vocab WS from booklet (p. 11)
    Group 2: Please complete the Verbs WS from grammar booklet (pg. 4)

This should be revision however if you need any help, please let me know asap as I have available time to chat on vscene – we can go over it together.




  • Complete an activity from the Scotland IDS Grid – all info and resources are on the Scottish Activity grid tab (Click here)


Check in/Register @ 10am.
Enter chat here: https://app.vscene.net/r/TRnAnsEBZD


**Please note, there is NO vscene input at 9:15am this week**

  • Writing task —Below is a short poem written by Robert Burns. This week we will be writing our own poem about Scotland in a similar style. I would like you to think of somewhere that you love in Scotland and do a mind map as your plan. This should include lots of descriptive language and emotions and you can also include words that rhyme in your plan to help you write your poem. Aim for your poem to be at least eight lines long like the one shown below.  Remember to give your poem a title. Looking forward to reading them!


Best St Andrew Day Poems - Viral Hub




  • Complete an activity from the Scotland IDS Grid – all info and resources are on the Scottish Activity grid tab (Click here)


Check in/Register @ 10am.
Enter chat here: https://app.vscene.net/r/TRnAnsEBZD


  • Live Spelling Test @ 9:40am: https://app.vscene.net/r/qKnag3pSj0
  • Reading (Session 3)
    Red/Orange group: 101 Things to do before Secondary School (pg. 23 – end of book)
    Blue group: Globe Challenge: Rainforests at Risk (pg. 23 – end of book)
    Green group: Globe Challenge: Creatures in Danger (pg. 22 – end of book)
    Purple group: Globe Challenge: Buried Treasure (pg. 24 – end of book)
    Yellow group: Globe Challenge: Lost in Egypt (pg. 23 – end of book)

Please ensure that you answer Bug questions fully and properly. I will be marking them after each session to ensure that you have done so.

Extension tasks: Guided Reading Challenge Cards



  • The Resilience Alphabet- https://app.vscene.net/r/8xzf4k2mrM
  • PE/Daily exercise (30-45mins) – Joe Wicks, Run, Walk, Play, Yoga etc
  • Downtime (mindfulness, colouring, drawing, watch a short tv programme)


  • Complete an activity from the Scotland IDS Grid – all info and resources are on the Scottish Activity grid tab (Click here)

Catch Up Time:

Please use any spare time today to ensure that you have completed all the work that you have been assigned this week. You should also have all of your work uploaded into your individual work folder on OneDrive by 3pm today.

As always, you know where I am if you need me.

Miss D x

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