Friday 18-9-20

This week in Primary 7:

It is Roald Dahl’s birthday on the 18th of September so we completed a comprehension task focusing all about his life and talents.

We are continuing to read our class novel – Wonder – this week we have focused on writing from a character’s point of view and we were also exploring the hidden meaning behind words.

In Numeracy some of us have been practicing rounding to the nearest Decimal Place whilst others have been developing our knowledge of Place Value. Some of us also completed round one of the Scottish Maths Challenge. Wish us luck!

We have the iPads on a Thursday which has allowed us to check all of our log ins (Sumdog, Education City and BugClub) and we also completed  a HWB survey and participated in a Kahoot! Quiz. Thid week we also have an in-depth discussion about Internet Safety and how we can stay safe online. We also learned what a Digital Footprint is and created our own.

We have also completed our Wellbeing Booklet for this term and have set ourselves 3 targets that we would like to achieve by the end of Term 1. We have also noted how we will achieve these targets.

Our PATHs Kid this week is Daisy.

We also had an Orienteering Session with Gary Moore. We have added some pictures below!


Have a great weekend!
Primary 7 & Miss D x

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