Friday 30-10-20


First of all, homework started back up this week – we will continue to complete Literacy, Numeracy and IDS tasks.

This week in Numeracy we have focused on multiples, factors and prime/composite numbers.

On Tuesday, we had Miss Kelso as our teacher. We focused on balanced arguments. We considered pros and cons of Social Media. We were also practicing time; we completed interval tasks and read timetables. In the afternoon, we created Hallowe’en art on Word.

We are now using reading books in the class and we are answering a range of questions about the text. We have also been completing our spelling rotation as usual.

In Music with Mrs McDougall we listened to some Hallwe’en themed music. We were also following the beats with our drum sticks (aka our pencils!)

We have started our new topic which is World War 2 – this week we have completed our KWL grids, we have discussed the events leading up to WW2 and we have listened to Neville Chamberlain’s speech. We have also discussed rationing and been comparing our weekly food plans to wartime weekly food plans.

Lastly, we have a Halloween Day on Friday! Stay tuned to see some pictures of our costumes. Thank you so much for all of the sweets and treats that you have sent in for us all.

Have a lovely weekend,

Primary 7 & Miss D x

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