Welcome back P3/4!
Here are this week’s words. Keep up the good work with practicing them.
For the last few weeks, we have been working on ‘Inferring Isla’ so this week you will be given an Inference card to take home. You can answer the questions in your jotter, on paper, on a tablet/laptop or you could discuss it with someone at home. Remember to think about what prior knowledge you have and what are the clues in the text that help you come up with your answer. If you want to try some of the other cards, you could swap with a friend or here are all of the cards if you would rather choose one in particular. You will notice that some are picture based and some have no pictures at all.
As always I would like you to keep up the good work with your reading on BugClub and at home. I will be keeping an eye on your BugClub to see what you have been reading.
You have all been working on chimney/tower sums for the last few weeks and you are all doing brilliantly.
P3s your main focus is layout and remembering to have your 10s in the same column and 1s in the same column.
P4s your focus is carrying and remembering to add the 10 or 100 that you have carried.
This week you will be given a piece of squared paper and I would like you to have a go at the list of sums you have been given. If you lose them you can always look at them here.
We have started to learn about the body. So far we have looked at the skeleton and will be moving on to our organs. This week I would like you to choose one of the main organs of the human body and find out 3 facts about it.
These are some of the organs you could choose: Heart, Brain, Lungs, Kidneys, Liver.
February Kindness Challenge
This is the last week to complete Mrs Robertson and Miss Johnstone’s February Kindness Challenge. Here are the details again: