Home Learning 18th May





Good morning, lots of fun challenges to complete this week!

Choose a different activity to complete each day, from the “Choose 5 Challenges!” and enter the North Ayrshire schools competition. See the link below.

First prize is £100 worth of books for our school library     

Choose 5 Challenges!

Tie your shoe laces challenge!           

When you return to school, social distancing will mean you have to be able to take care of yourself and be more independent, one of the things you should keep practising is being able to tie your shoe laces . Check out the different Youtube videos of different ways to learn to tie your shoes. Have a go at all the different ways. Which one worked best for you? You could send us a video on Teams.

Bunny ears https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMe09HfPIOE&frags=wn&safe=active

Two crosses https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeSkBOYUlag&safe=active

Two loops https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IHoORx_qFxI&safe=active

Traditional way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehwqhHLJY5Y&safe=active

Health and wellbeing 

This fun task covers many skills from different subjects. Be creative and make an obstacle course (outdoors preferably) which includes lots of different P.E skills. It could be jumping over things, crawling under things, fitness stations, racquet/ball skills or anything else you can think of. Chalk lines to jump from or create zigzags. Remember this is all things that you have in the garden or sheds etc. Parents – no need to buy anything.

Here are a few pictures to give you some ideas.


You can add in some maths later in the week by using a stop watch to time yourself. Can you do it multiple times and tell everyone your ‘personal best’ get members of your family involved too? You can record your times in a table. You might be able to ask if there is a measuring tape in the house that you could use to see how far you have been able to jump! If not use something to mark where you landed then use your feet to measure (Remember heal to toe, heal to toe) Have family challenges and a huge challenge for mums and dads, can they do it blindfolded? This activity is for exercise and fun involving everyone in your house – these are strange times and laughter and fun is so important.

This could be incorporated into this week’s Virtual Sports Day.

Virtual Sports Day Grid WPPS

See the Teacher’s Demonstration video below on how to complete the activities. Have fun!




Continue playing TopMarks Hit the Button to learn the 2x, 5x and 10x tables. If you can manage to skip count in 3s try the 3x table too. Look back at last week’s video clips to help you.


If you would prefer learning your times tables with a practical activity you might want to have an adult make you Table Turners ( this is how my own big boy and girl practiced their tables) You just need some card, scissors and a pen.

How to Make Table Turners Game to Learn Times Tables

Don’t forget you can practice Sumdog everyday too!

Teams Chat

Hope you can join us on Thursday Morning at 11.30 for another Teams Circle Time. An invite will be sent to Teams for you to accept and add to your calendar. If you would really like to join a Team chat but can’t make our Thursday meeting let us know and we can try and sort something out.


Keep up to date with Mrs McDougall’s music lessons she posts each week on our Blog Page. Hopefully, she will be able to join us on Thursday for our chat. She would love you to leave her a comment on her Blog page to tell her how you got on!

Why not go to our French blog page and continue to learn some new words in French or Spanish?