Home Learning 25.01.21

Hello everyone!
I hope you all had a nice weekend. Welcome back to another week of online learning. 
I have uploaded everything we need for the week. If I have missed anything, please send me an email and I  will get it fixed 🙂 
As always Primary 1 resources are in yellow and Primary 2 are in blue. Anything for the whole class is in green.
Please let me known if you can’t access anything  or if you can’t find what you need on the blog. 

Weekly Timetable. Just a slight change to video calls times on Wednesday.
Online Timetable 25.01.21
Home Learning Diary

Primary 1 Morning Jobs 25.01.21  
Primary 1 Literacy
P1 Literacy Grid 25.01.21
Primary 1 Monday Phonics -QU
Primary 1 Tuesday Phonics – SH    and     Tuesday -Sh Worksheet
Primary 1 Wednesday Phonics – CH
Primary 1 Reading Whole class wb25

P1 Writing Thursday  and  SHORTBREAD WRITING
Phase 3 Phonics Revision Friday
P1 Poem Mince an Tatties  

Primary 1 Numeracy
P1 Numeracy Task Grid 25.01.21
P1 Numeracy Tasks PPT COMPLETE 25.01.21

Dino Addition Worksheet – Tuesday
P1 Toyshop Worksheet Friday

Primary 1 Afternoon Jobs : Primary 1 afternoon activities

Primary 2 Morning jobs 25.1.21
Primary 2 Literacy
Primary 2 Literacy Jobs 25.01.21
P2 Cloze Procedure Tuesday
Verb Worksheet
P2 Noun Worksheet

Primary 2 Numeracy 
P2 Numeracy Jobs 25.01.21
P2 Tuesday Sharing Worksheet 
P2 Money Worksheet Friday 

Primary 2 HWB Grid and Activities
P2 HWB Afternoon Job Grid
Road Safety PowerPoint