What is Developing the Young Workforce?
Developing the Young Workforce – Scotland’s Youth Employment Strategy is a plan resulting from the findings of the Commission for Developing Scotland’s Young workforce, chaired by Sir Ian Wood. After the reviews of Scotland’s approach to vocational education and youth employment, the Commission laid out a set of challenges to national and local government, to the education and training system, to employers, and to young people themselves and all who support them.
Fundamentally, this is about ensuring a work relevant education experience for our young people and strong links with employers working with our schools. Scottish Government and Local Government Implementation Plans are now in place covering schools, colleges, apprenticeships, employers and equality with a set of 39 recommendations for action.
How does this work in North Ayrshire Council?
North Ayrshire Council work in partnership on a pan-Ayrshire basis with East and South Ayrshire co-ordinated by the Ayrshire Chamber of Commerce and Industry through Developing the Young Workforce Ayrshire
Schools in North Ayrshire are actively developing local networks with employers to help deliver work related initiatives bringing learning in the curriculum to life.
Here are some examples of work ongoing in our Secondary schools.
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