STEAM week

    LH enjoys mixing colours

CD loves to splash on a Friday afternoon

HS loves science experiments

CR investigates our Eulers wheel

Primary A Playdough fun

Fabulous Friday in the sun.

Hello from Primary A,

This week we have been getting busy with Science, Art and Technology. The children (and staff) throughly enjoyed it. We made puffy paint, exploding cola rockets, fizzy lemons, Stik bot animations and a whole host more. We explored colours, textures and cause & effect.

The weather is beginning to change for the better (finally!!) so today we took our sensory session, for Fabulous Friday, outside. We learned all about the story “Sharing a shell” and had fun in the sparkly water tray…..then the bubble machine made an appearance. What a way to end the week!

Warmest Wishes

The Primary A:Team


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