Author Archives: Mrs Blane

Happy New Year!

Primary B wish everybody a Happy New Year! We’ve had a very busy start to the term so far. After exchanging all our festive news this week, we decided to make snow. We had great fun throwing snowballs at each other and across the classroom!

Jessica trying to avoid flying snowballs!


Jaime waiting for the snowballs!

We have also been busy creating artwork for the Show Racism the Red Card competition. This year’s theme was Nelson Mandela 27. The children all helped to choose  a quote and then we made the artwork using all our favourite colours.

Harry with his favourite colour handprints

Jessica enjoying squidging the paint with her hands

Jaime was very focused on making his prints

Our finished entry

Primary B are getting festive!

This week Primary B have been getting festive and have been busy working on our enterprise project to raise money for our Magic Carpet. We have been starting to make personalised baubles – order forms have been sent out and examples are below. They are selling fast, so please get your orders in quick!

Some of our examples

We also had a visit from Zoolab this week and we really enjoyed meeting all the animals they brought with them. We were able to meet Giant African Land Snails, Bearded Dragons, Tortoises, Boa Constrictors and Rats. Lucy especially loved the rat and is going to ask for one on her Christmas list, Jaime wasn’t as keen and much preferred the Snails.


Jaime playing with Sheldon the Giant African Land Snail

Lucy and her favourite, the Rat!

Oor Toon

This week we have commemorated Remembrance Sunday and made a Poppy to remember all those who gave their lives in conflict.  We used it to represent the memorial in Saltcoats as part of ‘Oor Toon’ topic.


We also had great fun this week making ‘Clean Mud’ with soap and tissue paper. It smelt lovely and we really enjoyed moulding shapes with it and spreading it all over our trays!


Harry enjoyed smelling our mud!

Lucy really enjoyed our mud!


Halloween Fun

This week Primary B had fun with Halloween Craft. We decorated pumpkins to look like doughnuts. We had a great time messing with paint and scattering sprinkles! We hope our families enjoyed looking at them as much as we enjoyed making them.


Harry choosing his pumpkin

Lucy watching the sprinkles fall

Jaime helping to paint his pumpkin

Harry decorating his pumpkin

Some of our finished pumpkins


Leaf Catching Challenge

A bonus post this week as it’s the October Holidays next week! This week during our Action in the Community walk. Our challenge was to catch autumn leaves from under the trees and to gather them from the ground.

Harry finding leaves

Jaime playing with leaves

Lucy looking at leaves

Jamie watching the leaves fall

Harry waiting for a leaf to fall

Lucy exploring the leaves

Primary A & B’s visit to Ardrossan Fire Station

This week Primary A & B combined together to visit Ardrossan Fire Station. The children were very excited on the way there as we saw boat, buses, trains and even a helicopter! The fire fighters were fantastic and showed us around the engines and let us explore all the equipment. They even let us play with the hoses and spray water everywhere. Harry from Primary A made a rainbow!


Letting the Fire Station know we had arrived!

Harry exploring the equipment

Lucy looking at the equipment

Jaime and Lucy being shown around the engine

Harry looking at the Thermal Imaging camera

Lucy looking in the Thermal Imaging camera

Harry’s Rainbow!


Lucy playing with the hose

Harry playing with the hose

Final photo in front of the engine

A very active week for Primary B!

This week, Primary B have explored different ways of being active. We had great fun creating artwork for our topic ‘Oor Town’, we used the former explosives factory in Stevenston as an inspiration for making Exploding Balloon pictures. We covered balloons in paint and popped them with a pencil – it got very messy! We also made our own active volcanoes in science and enjoyed watching the lava flow. Harry has made fantastic progress being active on his bike this week and went zooming around the school cycle track!


Harry popping balloons

Jaime getting ready to pop his balloon


Lucy smelling the vinegar before mixing it with the bicarb



Spice Class

This week Primary B mixed our paint with different spices to make textured and aromatic paint, our classroom smelt like a spice shop! We used lots of autumn colours and next week when we Access the Community we are going to collect leaves to create a collage.


Harry using a balloon to paint

Lucy feeling and spreading the paint

Jaime admiring his work

Our finished work

Welcome to Primary B!

Welcome to Primary B’s first Glow blog! This week in class we have been exploring maths outside by using colour to create an art backdrop to display our work. We had great fun throwing paint soaked tea bags at the wall and really enjoyed choosing our colours!

Aileen, Ashley & Joanna

We’re enjoying exploring the colours!

Having great fun creating our backdrop!