Young Scot – Young Carer Grant for 18yr olds

Get Your £100 Transitions Bundle

The transition into young adulthood is an important time for everyone, especially young carers. Get some extra support with this £100 voucher for GiftsVouchers.


Young carers told us that flexibility was really important, so this £100 voucher can be exchanged for any voucher(s) on GiftsVouchers. That means you could use it for:

  • Books and study materials with a National Book Token
  • Clothes for interviews or a new job from a range of fashion retailers including H&M, New Look, River Island and ASOS
  • Furniture or homeware from IKEA or HomeSense
  • Everyday costs from supermarkets like ASDA, Tesco and Sainsbury’s
  • Anything else you feel would support you!

Your voucher can be used all at one retailer or exchanged for a combination of different gift cards, follow this link to find out more:


Self-harm Support

A free online session is being offered to any North Ayrshire parents/carers who are supporting a young person who is self-harming or who may be at risk of self-harming. Monday 21st February 2022 from 1830-1930. To sign up,  click on the link.


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