GIRFEC is the national approach in Scotland to improving outcomes and supporting the wellbeing of our children and young people by offering the right help at the right time from the right people. It supports them and their parent(s) to work in partnership with the services that can help them.

It puts the rights and wellbeing of children and young people at the heart of the services that support them ā€“ such as early years services, schools, and the NHS ā€“ to ensure that everyone works together to improve outcomes for a child or young person.

Most children get all the support and help they need from their parent(s), wider family and local community, in partnership with services like health and education. Where extra support is needed, the GIRFEC approach aims to make that support easy to access and seamless, with the child at the centre.

The Children and Young People’s (Scotland) Act 2014 is about improving the wellbeing of children and young people. A child’s wellbeing is influenced by everything around them and the different experiences and needs they have at different times in their lives. To help everyone have a shared understanding of what wellbeing means we have eight indicators to give us a common language when talking about a child’s strengths or identify where further support may be necessary. These wellbeing indicators are generally referred to by their initial letters, SHANARRI: safe, healthy, achieving, nurtured, active, respected, responsible and included. We use the wellbeing wheel to illustrate this. The children can use this wheel to reflect on their own wellbeing and are familiar with the term SHANARRI.

Please find out more about GIRFEC and the Children and Young People’s (Scotland) Act 2014 by visiting the Ayrshire GIRFEC website.

If you wish to discuss your child’s wellbeing or have concerns, please contact a member of the Senior Management Team, through the school office.

Article 29: I have the right to an education which develops my personality, respect for others’ rights and the environment