Faculty of Computing, Admin and Modern Languages

Welcome to the Faculty.

Our Computing Dept

The aim of our Computing Science department is to provide an understanding of the technologies that are needed in the digital world and to develop problem solving skills.

This aim will be achieved by:
  • creating a positive ethos in the department.
  • having high expectations so that each student can achieve their full potential.
  • encouraging Respect, Equality & Determination
  • encouraging an understanding of the role and impact that computing science has in influencing our environment and society.
  • Participating in exciting Interdisciplinary Projects

Computing Science Department Staff

Ms N West (Faculty Head)

Mr R Ritchie

Our Modern Languages Dept

Learning other languages enables children and young people to make connections with different people and
their cultures and to play a fuller part as global citizens.
Learning through the languages area of the curriculum enables children and young people to:

• develop their ability to communicate their thoughts and feelings and respond to those of other people
• develop the high level of skills in listening, talking, reading and writing which are essential for
learning, work and life
• use different media effectively for learning and communication
• develop a secure understanding of how language works, and use language well to communicate
ideas and information in English and other languages
• exercise their intellectual curiosity by questioning and developing their understanding, and use
creative and critical thinking to synthesise ideas and arguments
• enhance their enjoyment and their understanding of their own and other cultures through literature
and other forms of language
• develop competence in different languages so that they can understand and communicate including,
for some, in work settings.

Modern Languages Staff

Mrs N Bell

Mrs M McCormack

Mrs AC Kirkwood


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