Tag Archives: article 13

Skills Academy 2017

Our Skills Academy this year was lead by Mr Bell involved a small group of pupils working to gain valuable skills for life and work.

The pupils have taken part in a range of activities over the last four weeks.

As part of this they have earned qualifications in Customer Service and Barista from Ayrshire College. They have visited the Waterside to learn about applying these qualifications to work.

The pupils have engaged with many outside partners including a STEM event with the RAF; team-work and leadership training with the Army; alcohol awareness with North Ayrshire Council and yesterday spent the afternoon at Maximum Potential Gym. Unfortunately due to the Critical Alert at the time our day with the Fire Service was cancelled.

Pupils have also received brilliant training in Heart Start from Catriona, Finlay and Louise; Skills for Work training with Lee and Beth; and enjoyed their climb up Conic Hill with Kris and Catriona.

Pupils also took part in a focus group before receiving their certificate to graduate Skills Academy.


Whole School Focus – Energy Drinks

This week in personal support we discussed energy drinks and the effect these have on our health. During this week we exercised Article 13 because we took time to find out about advantages and disadvantages of energy drinks and discuss our opinions within the class. Article 17 was also important during our focus week because we have the right to accurate and unbiased information. This allowed us to discuss the topic and to make informed choices. The last right covered by our focus week is explained by article 24. We have the right to the best health care possible and nutritious food. Finding out more about our food and drink choices is an essential part of equipping us to make the best choices for a healthy diet. A copy of the resources we used for our discussions can be seen if you click this link.
