Category Archives: Classes

Primary 6

Primary 6 Termly Reflection Term 1

Talk for Writing

During term one P6 focused on recount and instructional writing by using the Talk for Writing approach. The children learnt how to create story maps to retell the tale of The Enormous Pumpkin. The children also learnt how to write a set of instructions about trapping a mythical creature. The highlight of the writing block was our celebration event. The class were delighted when they were given the opportunity to share their writing with children in the upper stages. The event was a great success as it showcased how proud the children were of their efforts and enabled them to share the progress they had made since the onset of the writing block with their peers.


Expressive Arts

Another of our highlights from term one was creating artwork inspired by Pablo Picasso. The children especially enjoyed creating their own portraits which was inspired by Picasso’s Cubist style.


Term 2

This term our focus in Primary 6 will be as follows:


The children will be working in small working groups during weekly Guided Reading lessons. During these sessions the children will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of the different reading strategies. Our class novel this term is The Witches by Roald Dahl. The children have engaged well during whole class discussions about the text and have enjoyed opportunities to discuss the characters and themes. They are looking forward to finding out what happens to the main character as the plot develops.

P2-3 Termly Update

Welcome to the P2-3 blog!

Last term, the children settled well in to the new classroom as a composite P2-3 class and enjoyed learning together. They have made new friends, organised the room and been engaged in their activities.

For the majority of our day, we learn through play – or ‘Independent Learning’ as the children have called it. It is fantastic to see all the children following their own interests, cooperating, problem solving and using their imaginations. The classroom is always buzzing with activity and it is amazing how many opportunities arise for literacy, maths and numeracy and other curricular areas, during play.

Last term in Maths and Numeracy, we focused on numbers to 100 – counting on and back, ordering and comparing, making numbers, addition and subtraction.  This term, we will learn about 2D and 3D shapes, place value (3-digit & 4-digit numbers) and also begin to use money in the classroom to pay for the resources we are using.

We are reading each morning and learning a new sound and spelling pattern each week.

We have also been enjoying outdoor learning. Each week, whatever the weather, we head outside to Adventure Island. Here, the children have created and imagined a ‘Troll Lair’, ‘Witch’s Corner’ and ‘Mount Tyre’. There is often a hunt for hidden messages and number passwords too!

The winter term is always exciting with activities planned around Halloween,  Bonfire Night, Remembrance Day and Christmas.

If you would like to see more of our learning from last term, please look through our sways by clicking the links below.

You can access the Sway with your child as they will need to be logged in to their Glow account.

Go to this Sway
Go to this Sway

Winter Wanderland

Findhorn Bay Arts invite you to be part of Window Wanderland, an exciting covid-safe community project taking place across Forres over Valentine’s weekend. Families can create window-based artworks in their own homes with the theme LOVE IS… and switch on your lights on Friday 12, Saturday 13 and Sunday 14 of February from 5 – 9pm and be part of an illuminated outdoor gallery.

Taking part is FREE and everyone of all ages are welcome to participate. You can use the windows of your flat, house, business, school, nursery, car, camper van, shop. It doesn’t even have to be windows, you can also use your front door, garden shed, conservatory. Window Wanderland Forres … simple or spectacular… anything goes… as long as it’s family-friendly.

To find out more and register as a window maker and on our map, visit our event page:

We have created a handy crafty video to demonstrate simple ways to create your display using basic materials:

Simple ways to create your display

We also have a budget to provide free materials for families who would otherwise not be able to take part.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with the organisers if you have any queries.

The Pilmuir Primary Transformation – A Social Story

When you come back to school in August you will notice a bit of a difference.  The outside might look the same but the inside has changed!  This had to be done so Pilmuir Primary can be a safe place for everyone to come and work in.

We’re going to show you how the adults transformed Pilmuir Primary into a post-lockdown school.

Week 1 – beginning 8th June.

Mrs Ramsay is busy in the P4 classroom.
Miss Hambly is organising her room.
George helps move resources.






The P1 classroom is a bit different to normal.
What a boorach Mr Tulloch is in!
Ms Casburn is getting ready to rumble.
Mrs Hever is like a busy bee in the P2 classroom.
Mr Lake is busy organising his classroom.



Mrs Harper is stuck with cleaning out the Art cupboard.
Mrs Franklin is happy now that her room is tidy.

week 2 – beginning 15th June

The clear out has started in the current Primary 6 area and desks have been rearranged ready to welcome pupils back to school.
The P3 room looks different with the tables in rows.
Mrs Lyon’s garage is full of her school resources.

week 3  – beginning 22nd June

Miss Hambly, Mrs Lyon and Mrs Ramsay working together after a break of 3 months.
George and Mrs Harper are helping out in the infant area.  Look at all the space!
Mrs Hever is still de-cluttering and tidying away reading books.













week 4 – beginning 29th June.

Still some tidying to be done. The cupboard was emptied and monitors were covered before the computers were stored away.
Mrs Fyfe, Miss Main and Mr Lake social distancing at a staff meeting by computer.
Have you ever seen the well area looking so clean and tidy. The soldiers and helpers did a grand job before lockdown started.
Mrs Bradley passing another phone message Mr Tulloch. Look at the area of the Infant toy shelves, it’s so empty,
Miss Masson, Mr Lake and Mrs Lyon look as though they are pupils now. Wonder what they are learning?
Mrs Lyon and Mrs Ramsay working in the P5 area/ library.