All posts by gw09sinclairdonna@glow

P1 at the picnic and the P1 water fight

We have had a number of special events this term, such as The Pilmuir Picnic and The P1 Water Fight.  Here are some photos.

We worked hard to learn the “Jerusalema Dance” and the songs,  “You’ve got a friend in me” and “Reach for the stars”.  It was a special afternoon, the children enjoying having their families there to share the experience.

Here is a Sway of  photos and clips.

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These are some photos of the water fight, the Sway has more.


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P1 visit to the Tolbooth

On Friday 9th June Primary 1 visited the Tolbooth, or the Town Clock, as lots of people know it.  Some parents also came with us. We enjoyed it very much.  We toured around the building, seeing the cells and Courtroom.  The cells were quite scary.

K said, “I liked the torture room.  It had no bed and no light. ”

K2 said, “I liked the creepy bucket.”

P said, “I liked the jail.”

We also had the chance to go outside and walk along the outdoor viewing platform.  It is so high up!   One group stood right under a clock face as it chimed for 2 o’clock. Thankfully, it wasn’t too loud.

Many thanks to Mr Alexander and the other volunteers  of Forres Heritage Trust for making our visit so interesting and enjoyable.  A big thank you to the parents who came along with us.

Here are some photos.

You’ll  need your child’s glow login details to view the Sway showing the visit.

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Term 3 in Primary 1

We enjoyed the 2 Book Days we had in school: World Book Day and Pilmuir Primary Book Day.  In Primary 1 we created our own stories called “My Naughty Dog “ and to help us in the planning stage we took it in turns to have photos taken with the naughty pet.


On  Pilmuir Primary Book Day we had a book swap and every child went home with at least one book to keep and enjoy.

A special thanks must go to Wastebusters who kindly donated some books to us for the swap, which allowed more choice for the children.

Left over books were donated back to Wastebusters.  It complemented our Eco Schools’ work,  to reuse and to recycle.

Here are some photos of the P1s reading the books they chose.


The link to the Sway contains more photos of the Book Days. Remember to have your login details to access it.

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Term 2 in P1.

What a busy term it has been. We have had Hallowe’en, Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas.

After a couple of years where there’s been very few opportunities to include the rest of the community, things have changed.  We have enjoyed a number of activities with people coming into school, namely: a Disco, shared learning where parents visited classrooms, a Snow White pantomime and the Coffee Morning.

We also visited St Laurence Church for a Christmas service, inviting parents to join us. Yes, it has been great having so many events this term.

Here are some photos from our shared learning with parents and grandparents.  It was a Decoration Afternoon.  If you would like to view the Sway then you will need your child’s glow login details.

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First term in Pilmuir Primary

It’s such a big, important step, starting school. Our new P1s have done really well settling in.  When we asked them at the end of the first day if they were going to come back, most children thought that they would give school another go. One or 2 were not so sure. 😁 But, come back they did.

Here is a Sway of the first week. You will need your child’s Glow login details to view the material.  Below, are some photos from the second week.

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Primary 1/2 Term 4

Term 4 flew by very quickly.  We especially enjoyed taking part in the 40th birthday celebrations.  What a great event especially as we were allowed to share it with our families.

Talking about families, lots of parents and grandparents managed to come along to one of or outdoor playing sessions.  Lots of dens were built and fun was had by all.  Look at the Sway to see what they all got up to.  You will need your glow login to view it.

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The last Wednesday was quite a day.  In the morning we were shown round a fire engine by two local fire fighters.  In the afternoon we had a water fight.  Everyone went home soaked!

Here is the Sway:

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Primary 1/2 – term 3

We used the Outdoor Classroom regularly this term and it’s very popular with the children.  They made good use of the materials that are there – wooden pallets, tyres and pipes.  We also take some of our own resources like art materials and some PE equipment.

working together to build an obstacle course
working together to build a pirate ship
making secret codes before they hide them
trying out an obstacle course
following the leader to the end of the trail

We have seen children growing in confidence as they participate in the trails, assessing risks whilst jumping or moving from one  obstacle to another.

Here is a Sway of other photos taken at the Outdoor Classroom.  You’ll need your child’s glow details to view it.

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Pilmuir Primary have recently acquired 3 sizes of wooden blocks to add to our range of toys.  There are big blocks, medium sized blocks and small blocks.  The children enjoy playing with them, on their own or in small groups.

The girls made a city.
I wonder what the ramps are for.
The finished model.
The small blocks are all the same shape and are good for making pictures.
These are the tallest towers, ever! They did not collapse – well done girls.
This is Minecraft Mike.


Here are some more photos in our Block Play Sway.

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P1/2 Play Blog – Term 2

We have been focussing more on skills that the children are developing through play, ones which are at the heart  of The Moray Skills Pathway, for children aged 3-18: Our first sway is based on the self-management skills our children have been displaying during play activities.

Remember, you will need your child’s glow login details to view it.

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T and R teamed up to design a Christmas Tree out of Sticklebricks.
J was very proud of the obstacle course that he had made and coached the boys as they tried it for the first time.
G had used this game, of decorating the tree, a couple of times. On this occasion she was particularly pleased with the effect of  grouping the same type of decorations together. I thought it was very creative. Others thought the same, and copied her idea.


E got the balances out and put some dinosaurs into one bucket. She added a small animal to the other side and nothing happened. When it was explained how the balances worked she quickly grasped the idea. She was determined to find objects herself, to balance out the weight of the first bucket.`

The children certainly have had plenty of experience in developing Teamwork Skills, during their free choice of play activities.  They enjoy mixing together and there have been lots of occasions when we have seen groups and, sometimes, unlikely partnerships, really flourishing.  Shared interests have encouraged friendships and tolerance.  The children like helping each other, being together and having fun.  What a lovely group they are to be with.

Here is the second sway, featuring some of the Teamwork spirit we have seen.

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G and G created an obstacle course together. A lot of the other children enjoyed completing the course.
AJ, J and J built the ramp with A. They had tried different designs during other play sessions and this was their new one, where they tried to run the cars off the bottom of the slope and into a box. It proved one of their favourite ramps.










A and C have caught the reading bug and talked about creating a game with the word cards. First, they read the cards together. This picture shows A telling C how that card should be sounded out.



Primary 1/2 learning through play in terms 1 and 2.

Play is an important part of our learning journey in P1/2.  The children choose daily, from a variety of different outdoor and indoor resources, and enjoy the freedom to:  participate in activities that interests them, explore, build, make,  discover, learn new skills, try new things,  make friends and have fun whilst they are doing it.

The beauty is that the children don’t even know that they are learning, they think they’re just playing! The first term photos are part of this learning journey, snapshots of what the children did during the last week, before the October break.



You can access the Sway with your child as they will need to be logged into their Glow account.

The second term photos are from the first week back and concentrates on creativity, which is one of the core skills from the Moray Skills Pathways.  These have been identified as essential skills to be developed in all pupils aged 3 -18.  Other skills that will be highlighted in our learning journey are: employability; self-management; teamwork; communication; thinking; leadership.
