Category Archives: Classes

P3/4 Term 1

P3/4 have had a great start to the year. We have settled in well and made new friends in our new class.


This term we have been focusing on place value and addition. We have also practised our two  and ten times tables. We can count on and back in twos and tens. Have a practise at home. Don’t forget you can also improve maths skills by working on Sumdog at home.


Everyone is doing lots of reading using our group reading books and our individual  Accelerated Readers. In spelling, we have looked at different patterns each week a power point of words and activities is posted on to Google Classroom.  In writing we continue to practise skills through “Talk For Writing”.  Ask your child to tell you the story of Mr Bumblebee. There are words and actions.


In PE we have been practising large and small ball skills.  In Health we are revising identifying emotions using Zones For Regulation.

Other Areas

We have learned lots about Harvest, and enjoyed having a visit from a farmer. We also enjoyed taking part in the Harvest Assembly. Our topic was “carrots”.

We have also been doing lots of Independent Learning each week. We have completed our first Play Project and are looking forward to  a new one each month.

Have a look at the the sway to see our learning


First term in Pilmuir Primary

It’s such a big, important step, starting school. Our new P1s have done really well settling in.  When we asked them at the end of the first day if they were going to come back, most children thought that they would give school another go. One or 2 were not so sure. 😁 But, come back they did.

Here is a Sway of the first week. You will need your child’s Glow login details to view the material.  Below, are some photos from the second week.

Go to this Sway





Primary 1/2 Term 4

Term 4 flew by very quickly.  We especially enjoyed taking part in the 40th birthday celebrations.  What a great event especially as we were allowed to share it with our families.

Talking about families, lots of parents and grandparents managed to come along to one of or outdoor playing sessions.  Lots of dens were built and fun was had by all.  Look at the Sway to see what they all got up to.  You will need your glow login to view it.

Go to this Sway



The last Wednesday was quite a day.  In the morning we were shown round a fire engine by two local fire fighters.  In the afternoon we had a water fight.  Everyone went home soaked!

Here is the Sway:

Go to this Sway












The end of the year

Now it is nearly the end of the year for Primary 3/4. Everyone has worked so hard  as you can see from all of our sways. Please have a look if you haven’t yet. They are also available on our Google  Classroom.

Go to this Sway


This term one  of our highlights was visiting the dolphin centre and seeing actual dolphins! We also loved learning to skateboard. Thank you P7 and Mrs Horne.

We are all now looking forward to more fun and learning next year.

Have a great summer!!


Primary 5 – Term 4

In term 4 we have learned to multiply and divide in numeracy. This has led on to us currently working with fractions – writing fractions from pictures, finding equal fractions, calculating fractions of amounts and the link between fractions, decimals and percentages.

In writing we learned the story of Little Charlie using the Talk for Writing process and did lots of work on what makes a good journey story.  We eventually all wrote our own journey stories – they were amazing and all so different.

In art we worked really hard on making detailed drawings of Spring tulips, taking particular notice of the shapes involved.  We used a variety of colours and shades to try and make them look as realistic as possible.  Click on this link to see our work.

We have been continuing to learn a variety of sounds in our spelling work.  We are becoming very good at stretching our words and growing our root words into a range of other words.  We can usually find loads of rhyming words and splitting words into syllables helps us in reading and spelling.  The spelling patterns can be found on the weekly class Thinglink in the Google Classroom.

Over the past few weeks, in P.E. we have been focussing on throwing, catching and batting.  These skills have helped us to be able to play a successful game of rounders.

We begin our day by doing a variety of activities with our peers.  We use our skills of creativity, communication, strategy, problem solving, turn taking, teamwork and many many more.  We also use these skills during FUN 31. Click on this link to see what we have been up to.

Lastly, we have been working really hard on creating individual long stitch tapestries.  We can now thread needles, start off using a new piece of wool, finish off a piece of wool correctly, share spaces on the fabric so that there are no gaps and we are even beginning to help each other with all of this and try to fix our own mistakes!  Miss Masson is very proud of our progress!

Term 4

Term 3 (Looking back)IMG_2971.JPG

Last term was busy as always. The class enjoyed our Play Projects each month- Babies, McZelfs and Global Goals. Have a look at our sway to see our learning.

Go to this Sway

We have been working hard to achieve our Bikeability awards, even in the freezing weather! Our topic was Global Goals. The class enjoyed learning about the international goals that have been set for us all. We had a lot of debate and discussion as we thought of ways that we could contribute.

Within numeracy, we have been practising addition and subtraction along with multiplication and division. Sumdog is a great way to practise those skills. Literacy skill have developed too as the children become more fluent and expressive readers. Each week our spelling powerpoint is posted into the Google Classroom.

Please have a look at our Independent Learning sway for Term 3. It will give a good picture of the childrens’ learing.

Go to this Sway

Term 4 (Looking forward)IMG_3073.JPG

This term we have lots to look forward to, such as our trip to The Whale and Dolphin Centre on the 10th of May. Everyone is excited to try and complete their Dolphin Defenders Award. The children are experts! We are also studying the Human Boday this term and thinking about how to stay healthy.

In Literacy we have started a new programme called, “Talk 4 Writing”. This encourages the children to deepen their understanding of the writing process, and scaffolds their ideas. It is already looking quite exciting. In Numeracy, we are focusing on measurement and data handling. These are all practical skills that the children can practise at home too.

Thank you for your support. As always, if you have any questions please feel free to phone school.


Primary 1/2 – term 3

We used the Outdoor Classroom regularly this term and it’s very popular with the children.  They made good use of the materials that are there – wooden pallets, tyres and pipes.  We also take some of our own resources like art materials and some PE equipment.

working together to build an obstacle course
working together to build a pirate ship
making secret codes before they hide them
trying out an obstacle course
following the leader to the end of the trail

We have seen children growing in confidence as they participate in the trails, assessing risks whilst jumping or moving from one  obstacle to another.

Here is a Sway of other photos taken at the Outdoor Classroom.  You’ll need your child’s glow details to view it.

Go to this Sway

Pilmuir Primary have recently acquired 3 sizes of wooden blocks to add to our range of toys.  There are big blocks, medium sized blocks and small blocks.  The children enjoy playing with them, on their own or in small groups.

The girls made a city.
I wonder what the ramps are for.
The finished model.
The small blocks are all the same shape and are good for making pictures.
These are the tallest towers, ever! They did not collapse – well done girls.
This is Minecraft Mike.


Here are some more photos in our Block Play Sway.

Go to this Sway

Riding for the Disabled

Riding for the Disabled Moray are back in operation after winter storm damage meant they could no longer use their Burgie location. They have secured new premises at Miltonduff and carried out extensive work in order to resume the riding sessions this month. There have been news articles in the local newspapers to publicise this and currently the Co-op have them as one of their featured charities.