Category Archives: Classes

Term 2

What a fantastic term we have had in Primary 6.  We have had a term full of fun and new experiences with STEM team visitors and trips up to the church in preparation for our Christmas celebrations. 


 In Literacy this term we have been focusing on developing character through the genre of mystery.  Our class novel ‘cogheart’ supports this and has engaged the children beautifully in the mysterious journey of its main characters Lilly and Robert.  Using Talk for Writing methods the children have been innovating on the short story ‘The way home’ by Pie Corbett creating their own characters with a particular focus on appropriate paragraphing and developing character through exciting verbs and direct speech.

Accelerated Reader has been ongoing as an independent activity with most children working hard to read books and then complete a test.


During this term primary 6 have been working on addition and subtraction of whole numbers and numbers to 2 decimal places.  Primary 6 are now fantastic at using these skills to solve multi step problems using appropriate language to share with their peers the methods they have chosen to use. Throughout the term we have also been revising our times table knowledge through active maths activities and games. 

  Health and Wellbeing 

In PE primary 6 always work extremely hard.  They have been working on Gymnastics with Miss Masson and this has been extremely popular.  They have also been working on Badminton and now the children strive to hold a successful rally with their peers.  Finally, we have been playing team games which the children particularly love, this has helped us to work on communicating with peers successfully and supporting each other.  It’s been fantastic to be a part of!


This term we were lucky to have a visit from the RAF Lossiemouth STEM team.  With them the children engaged in STEM activities based around the theory of flight and a construction challenge.  The children loved it!  We were even lucky enough to have a RAF Typhoon fly over the school on the same day whilst the children were perfecting their own aeroplane designs.

As well as this the children have been learning about the Iron Age this term.  They particularly enjoyed learning about the difference between farming now and then and found it fascinating that that long ago farming was even a thing!

For Christmas we have been practising our Christmas carols for our carol service at St Lawrence church, and our community carols on the last day of term.  Primary 6 have been particularly engaged with this with their favourite being ‘ O’ little town on Bethlehem’

Well done Primary 6 for a fantastic term!



Term 2 in P1.

What a busy term it has been. We have had Hallowe’en, Diwali, Bonfire Night and Christmas.

After a couple of years where there’s been very few opportunities to include the rest of the community, things have changed.  We have enjoyed a number of activities with people coming into school, namely: a Disco, shared learning where parents visited classrooms, a Snow White pantomime and the Coffee Morning.

We also visited St Laurence Church for a Christmas service, inviting parents to join us. Yes, it has been great having so many events this term.

Here are some photos from our shared learning with parents and grandparents.  It was a Decoration Afternoon.  If you would like to view the Sway then you will need your child’s glow login details.

Go to this Sway

Term 2

This term is always such a busy one. There has been lots to do and learn in the lead up to Christmas.


In reading we continue to work hard in groups and practise our skills during Reading Together times. Accelerated Reader has been ongoing as an independent activity with most children working hard to read books and then complete a test. Our writing is developing as we have had a big focus on punctuation. I hope that everyone is able to write in sentences at home. Let’s keep working on it! Google classroom contains all of our spelling words and some activities each week.


This term we have completed multiplication and fractions tasks. Everyone is great at explaining about “fair shares”. We have also been learning, x2 x3 x4 x5 and x10. Extra practise is always really helpful. Sumdog is really useful for practising skills.

Health and Wellbeing

In PE we have focused on several different areas. Everyone improved their skipping skills at the beginning on term. Gymnastics with Miss Masson has been very popular with all of the class. They have make excellent progress. Finally we have been learning Scottish Country dancing with P5. Everyone has enjoyed learning new dances and we are all now party ready!


Many pupils enjoyed sharing the learning with their parents this term. We all learned a lot about castles. Thank you for your support. The children loved the event.

You should also be aware of our new reporting format that started this term. Each child is focus child for one week of term. I then create a Sway for the child with information and photographs about their learning for that week.

As always, the Google Classroom contains information and activities to help support children’s learning. It also contains Sways of each of out Play projects with lots of photos to show the learning.

We are excited to finish the term with parties, Christmas crafts and carol singing.  Have restful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Thank you for your continued support of P3/4.



P2/3 Term 2 Update

Maths & Numeracy

We started the term with a focus on money. The children learned to recognise, count and make amounts, as well as calculating change. This learning has continued in our play as the children now have a weekly ‘budget’ of 50p to spend on art & craft materials and for hiring equipment such as the laptops and the Promethean Board.

We have also spent time learning about multiplication and division and strategies to help us solve calculations.

We are currently learning about 2D shapes and 3D objects.


The children continue to read in groups every day and complete Higher Order Reading challenges on a Friday.

Our phonics group have completed their learning of all the single sounds and will be moving on to learn about digraphs – two letters that make one sound. We call these ‘special friends’.

The spelling group have continued to make great progress with their Wraparound programme and are applying this learning across reading and writing.

Spelling words and phonic sounds can be found each week on Google Classroom.

This term, our Talk for Writing unit has concentrated on creating character descriptions. The children have enjoyed creating their characters to add to out class story – ‘Finding a Friend’.

Health & Wellbeing

The children have been learning Gymnastics this term with Miss Masson. They have focused on balance, rolling and creating sequences.

We have also continued with our weekly Yoga. The children enjoy following the moves along with the story while developing their strength and flexibility.

Other Curricular Areas

This term our learning in P2/3 has been led by the events we have celebrated such as Bonfire Night, Remembrance and Christmas. Lots of our play activities have come about because of the children’s interest in these events.

We are looking forward to ending the term with our Carol services!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Everyone!

Riding for the Disabled

Some of our P7 and P5 pupils enjoy a session with the RDA group on Monday mornings.

Coding taster

Some P6 pupils have enjoyed learning how to code with Ms Hakim. They have made use of the Beebots, programs on the Ipad and Scratch. This is what they had to say:

“Getting to use the coding games on the Ipad was fun.”

“I enjoyed using Scratch.”

“It was good, really fun.”

“Scratch is good if you are someone who likes to create animations.”

“I liked using the Lightbot.”

P5 Term 1

P5 have had an excellent start to the year as they have settled in really well to their new classroom area and worked hard in each aspect of their learning.


This term we have been developing our understanding of spelling common words through using Wraparound spelling. From this we have been able to look at spelling patterns as well as looking at the words in more depth by thinking about the sounds and syllables used as well as the strategies that we can use to aid in remembering and practicing our spelling. We have also being looking into the genre of suspense in Talk for Writing. As a class we have been analysing the text of Zelda Claw and the Rain Cat. We have been creating a story map to help us remember the story as well as using the text to aid us in thinking about what makes a suspenseful story. The pupils, from the discussions and activates completed, have then been able to create their own suspenseful story. To further help in this and deepen our understanding the pupils have also been reading the class novel of Varjak Paw by S.F Said.


In Numeracy we have been looking into as a class Place Value and not only been thinking about number with 4 digits in the 1000s range, but they have also begin to develop their understanding of place value to 1 decimal place. The pupils have been able to complete this learning through a wide range of active and engaging learning, through the use of play, to complete their activies and develop their learning further where the pupils have also had opportunities to take charge of their own learning. This term we have also looked deeper into Addition and Subtraction where the pupils have been developing their understanding of mathematical family facts when adding and subtracting multiples of 10 and 100. From this the class have been able to use and build upon their prior learning as well as build on strategies that they can use to work out the calculations.

Topic – Dandelion festival

For our first project the pupils were tasked with learning about wheat for the Dandelion and Harvest Festival. During this time the pupils learned what wheat looks like, the life-cycle, how wheat is harvested and finally what can be made using wheat. The children   designed posters, as well as created and presented PowerPoints on what they had discovered to speak to the rest of the school about at assembly.

Topic – How was it made?

Our next project was to answer the question how was it made? The pupils decided that they wanted to learn how rockets are made. At the beginning of the topic the class were able to discuss what they already knew about rockets and the idea of space. Each  child then  researched and made PowerPoints which they presented to the class about the different planets in our solar systems. We have carried out experiements about how rockets fly through the use of force and friction. We have also looked in the current astronauts of the time such as what and how they eat and how space crafts can communicate with earth.


Independent Learning

The P5s have been completing some wonderful independent learning sessions throughout this term. During this learning though play approach the pupils have been developing:

  • Their social skills in their communication and team work as well as their fine motor skills through the creation of art work like drawings and models.
  • Their numeracy, literacy and acting skills through the various games provided as well as their creative and at times engineering skills through the creation of various models such as cars, bikes, rockets and air craft through the use of Lego, Duplo and K’nex.

It has been a great start to the year with a lot of fun and laughter, as well as learning, and are looking forward to the rest of the year!!

Term 1


This term we have been studying the genre of suspense.  We have been writing our own suspense stories based on Pie Corbett’s Zelda’s Claw and the Rain cat, thinking about all the key features involved in a successful suspense story. We have been using the Talk for Writing method to help us learn these texts, innovate on them, and then write independently.  To complement our writing, we have been reading the novel  Varjak Paw by S.F Said.  This has helped the children to draw comparisons between their own writing and the writing of accomplished authors. 

We are continuing to use The WrapAround Spelling scheme to look at spelling patterns and words in more depth and the strategies we can use to help us spell words accurately. 


This term we have been looking at place value of numbers up to 100,000.  We have used various activities to explore number working particularly on representing whole numbers using numerals, words and number lines as well as partitioning whole numbers into hundreds of thousands, tens of thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens and ones.  

We have spent a lot of time linking play with our numeracy which has engaged the children in fantastic number conversations where they have successfully managed to link previous learning to new material. 

Health and Well-being 

Primary 6 have had weekly basketball lessons with Miss Masson and have also been practising their teamwork and communication skills in PE with Mrs Malcolm.  

We use our Zones of Regulation every day in class for check in to help us recognise, understand, and talk about our emotions. 

Topic – the Dandelion Festival and ‘How was it made?’ 

Primary 6 learned all about how barley is grown and harvested and what barley can be used for.  We then shared this learning at our school’s Dandelion Festival assembly in September. 

We have worked collaboratively to research the planets in our Solar System and talked about what makes the Earth different and similar to the other planets in the solar system.  We plan to continue this project into the new term by creating and designing our own ‘Mars rover’. 

 Independent Learning through Play 

The P6 children have done lots of fantastic learning through play, developing a range of skills like teamwork, communication, and problem solving, as well as advancing their learning in other areas.  For example: 

  • Using lego to build vehicles with trailers thinking about equal and unequal weight distributions and how this could affect a vehicle. 
  •  Watercolour paints to help us explore the planets in our solar system.  
  • The Kapla blocks and monopoly have been very popular this term and have allowed the children to develop their teamwork skills to work on big projects as well as literacy and numeracy skills to discuss and explain what they are doing.  

P2/3 Term 1 Update

All the children in P2/3 have settled in brilliantly. You can see photos from our very first week here:

Go to this Sway

Maths & Numeracy

This term we have been learning about place value – tens and ones, addition and subtraction.  We have been focusing on learning strategies which will help us solve calculations mentally, like learning our number bonds to 10.



The children have really engaged with the WrapAround Spelling and Phonics programme. They are becoming confident in applying the strategy of stretching and blending to both their reading and writing. Our spelling words and new sounds are added to Google Classroom each week.

In Talk for Writing, we have learned the words and actions for ‘The Sleepy Bumblebee’. We created a class story map and have innovated it by changing the main characters and the setting. The children are looking forward to sharing their new story with the rest of the school at our assembly this week.

We are reading every day, both in groups and also as a whole class for Higher Order Reading.

Health & Wellbeing

The children are really enjoying PE with Miss Masson and have been concentrating on their ball skills, including throwing and catching. In class we are also doing yoga each week as we work our way through the Cosmic Kids Yoga Quest map.

Focus Children

To see more of your child’s personal learning journey, please follow the link in our Google Classroom which will take you to their Focus Week SWAY.

P7 Term 1


We have been reading short non-fiction texts linked to our topic (How was it made?) this term.  The children have been engaged in discussions about the texts and have been able to share their thoughts.

We are continuing to use The WrapAround Spelling scheme to look at spelling patterns and words in more depth and the strategies we can use to help us spell words accurately.

This term we have read ‘Varjak Paw’ by SF Said as our class novel, and looked at the short story, ‘Zelda Claw and the Raincat’ to inform our own suspense writing.  We have been using the Talk for Writing method to help us learn these texts, innovate on them, and then write independently.



We have been focusing on place value and decimal numbers.  We have used a range of active learning activities to help us consolidate our understanding.  We’ve also linked our numeracy to the Dandelion Festival (reading and writing big numbers linked to the amount of potatoes grown by different countries), and our ‘How was it made?’ topic (using scale factor to start making a model of the Solar System).


Health and Wellbeing

Primary 7 have had weekly basketball lessons with Miss Masson and have also been practising their ball skills in netball lessons with Mrs Young on a Monday.

We refamiliarised ourselves with Zones of Regulation at the start of term to help us recognise, understand, and talk about our emotions.


Topic – the Dandelion Festival and ‘How was it made?’

Primary 7 learned all about how potatoes are grown, which countries grow the most potatoes, and what potatoes can be used for.  We then shared this learning at our school’s Dandelion Festival assembly in September.

We worked collaboratively to research the planets in our Solar System before using the information we had found to help us make a scale model of the Solar System.


Independent Learning through Play

The children have done lots of fantastic learning through play, developing a range of skills like teamwork, communication, and problem solving, as well as advancing their learning in other areas.  For example:

  • Hair salon role play area which has involved literacy (talking & listening) and numeracy (money, scheduling);
  • Watercolour paints at the arts and crafts table which will feed into our ‘How was it made topic?’ through fashion designs;
  • Experimenting with magnets which has furthered our scientific understanding of magnetism and forces;
  • The Kapla blocks have been very popular this term and have allowed the children to develop their teamwork skills to work on big projects. They have created some amazing models and tall towers.



Google Classroom

We post what we are learning daily on our Google Classroom so we encourage you to access this with your child and discuss their learning with them.


Next term:

Over the winter term our topic will be ‘Where do we come from?’ which will give us the opportunity to explore our history.  This will be supported by numeracy work linked to understanding time.  We will also be planning lots of fun activities in the build up to Christmas, including learning linked to whole school events such as the Christmas Fayre.