Term 3 in Primary 1

We enjoyed the 2 Book Days we had in school: World Book Day and Pilmuir Primary Book Day.  In Primary 1 we created our own stories called “My Naughty Dog “ and to help us in the planning stage we took it in turns to have photos taken with the naughty pet.


On  Pilmuir Primary Book Day we had a book swap and every child went home with at least one book to keep and enjoy.

A special thanks must go to Wastebusters who kindly donated some books to us for the swap, which allowed more choice for the children.

Left over books were donated back to Wastebusters.  It complemented our Eco Schools’ work,  to reuse and to recycle.

Here are some photos of the P1s reading the books they chose.


The link to the Sway contains more photos of the Book Days. Remember to have your login details to access it.

Go to this Sway