Play Based Learning in Primary 1

In Scotland we benefit from a curriculum model that spans Early Learning Centres (ELC) and the early years of Primary School. The Early Level of CfE supports the use of a responsive, continuous and play based curriculum for children aged between 3 and 6. This involves learning in ways which include a more active, play-based approach to learning and teaching in early Primary School and also supports the transition for ELC to Primary School.

Play is an essential part of human nature and development, through play a child develops their cognitive, social, emotional and physical capacities. Play can be thought of as children’s work (Isaacs, 1930) and is anything but simple!

Play allows children to make connections in their learning and to be actively involved with their learning. A play-based curriculum offers rich opportunities to equip our young learners with the skills, attributes and dispositions necessary for them to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Teachers and other adults in the class take the lead from the children, to identify what needs to be reinforced and how to extend children’s learning and development. It involves supporting, enriching and giving children space to build their own ideas.