P1 Transition Summer 2021

Moving on to Primary 1

Supporting you and your child

If your child is going to start Primary 1 at Pilmuir Primary after the summer holidays we would normally be supporting your child along with their nursery to prepare for this move. This year things are a bit different and we have had to change how we do this. We are going to help your children to think about moving into Primary 1 using Michael Rosen’s We’re Going on a Bear Hunt. This means all the children will all know the same story and have shared experiences before they start school.

We will share activities for you and your family to take part in over 6 weeks from Monday 10th May 2021. Please join in with any of the activities your child is is interested in, there is no expectation that you complete all of them.

We hope to include a virtual parents information session to allow you to meet some of our school staff and answer any questions you may have about your child’s start to school. Dates and times are to be confirmed and will be shared with you.

Starting School Parent Information Booklet 2021