Family Learning: STEM Bags Pilot Case Study


STEM self-evaluation and improvement framework: QI 2.5 Family learning. We consult families to better understand their needs and aspirations in relation to STEM. We are reaching out to parents with STEM jobs to involve them in our STEM planning and activities. We are exploring ways to engage with parents and families more effectively, including with community learning and development (CLD) partners.

Family Learning – STEM Bags Rationale

STEM bags will engage parents and children in fun STEM activities that encourage discussion about STEM learning and also help to improve the children’s overall STEM enthusiasm and engagement and ultimately help to raise attainment and achievement and build Science Capital within families.

The available evidence confirms that parental involvement and engagement in children’s learning supports improved attainment and achievement. Family learning encourages family members to learn together, fostering positive attitudes to lifelong learning. We want to improve and increase the ways in which parents, carers and families can engage with teachers and partners to support their children and increase the voice of parents and carers in leading improvements within schools. (National Improvement Framework, 2017, Scot Gov)

Family Learning – STEM Bags Pilot in Moray

Three schools – Portessie PS, Findochty PS and St Gerardine PS took part in a STEM Bags Pilot from May 2018 to December 2018. These schools were chosen as they had Family Learning on their School Improvement Plans and were keen to help develop the programme for Moray.

Through RAiSE funding each school was given 50 STEM Bags covering 5 different STEM Experiments and a selection of STEM Home Learning Books for the school library.

Each bag had the kit required for the experiment; a rationale explaining the STEM Bags pilot; an experiment sheet for parents with instructions, background information and links to websites with more ideas and a jotter to record pupils learning.

The pilot was evaluated through a series of Focus groups with pupils, parents and teachers and a Case Study completed.

RAiSE Case Study – Family Learning STEM bags

Extended Case Study – Moray STEM Bags Pilot has full details and Costings


STEM Establishment of the Month – September 2018 = Applegrove Primary

Well done Applegrove Primary – STEM Establishment of the Month for September 2018!

What have they been up to at Applegrove PS?

World of Work & STEM

Every Thursday afternoon, P1-3 and P4-7 are arranged into mixed year groups to take part in activities based around the World of Work. Teachers offer activities and the pupils make their choices and are then arranged into groups.  This gives pupils the opportunity to work in different groups with different teachers and to develop different skills linked to the world of work.  This year for P4-7 the activities on offer are:  Food Science, Engineering,  Yoga & Mindfulness, Film, First Aid and Art & Design.  P1-3 will start their WOW time in term 2 and their activities will be similar.

World of Food & Drink/Tourism

Using the Science on the Menu Kit, this group is carrying out investigations into our food. We began by looking at the equipment in the box such as pipettes, beakers and test tubes and what they’d be used for. We have also spoken about what different jobs are available in the Food Industry ranging from chefs to food taster to dieticians to quality control officers.  We have carried out an investigation into fats in cheese and will be using Iodine to find out about starch in different foods.  There’ll be some food tasting investigating how our sense of smell can affect our sense of taste as well as making our own ice cream!


World of Engineering

Before embarking on engineering challenges the Word of Engineering class spent some time learning about the engineering process and what makes an engineer. We also realised that failing is part of the process, but that we can still succeed if we evaluate and learn from our mistakes.  With this in mind we went into groups and took on two newspaper challenges.  The first was a competition to build the tallest  free standing tower with only 2 sheets of newspaper and 30cm of tape.  The second was to build a free standing tower that held a dictionary 15cm above the table for at least 3 seconds, using 10 sheets of newspaper and 14cm of tape.  One tower managed to hold an impressive nine dictionaries.
















World of information and film

With digital technology changing so rapidly, and dramatically, it’s a difficult task to be able to predict what job opportunities may arise in the future years. Who, for example, could have predicted a profession such as a blogger or vlogger? However these can be high earning and very influential careers. In the World of information and digital film we look at basic skills of recording digital images and editing these to create a various mixture of videos and photographs. We will look at editing, splicing and other media tools used in the digital industry and what jobs these can be linked to. As well as looking at what skills we could develop we will also be made aware of being Digital Responsible in line with being Responsible Citizens

Do you have a STEM story to share?

We have launched  STEM establishment of the month for Early Years centres, Primary and Secondary schools to share some of their fantastic STEM learning with other establishments in Moray. If you would like to enter simply tell us (from a pupil perspective if possible) what you have done and send us some (GDPR compliant) pictures.

Why sign up to be a Primary Science Mentor?

Why should I sign up to be a Primary Science Mentor? Flyer – Primary Science Mentors CPD

(Head Teachers – why would you encourage staff to sign up to be a Primary Science Mentor?)

The following are just some of the evaluation responses from last year’s cohort:

  • I have delivered science more practically and confidently to my class and I have shared my learning with other teachers
  • I worry less about engaging with science. The information we have gained has been cascaded to all the class teachers which has had a significant effect on willingness to engage with science across the school
  • I have put on a CPD for staff to share with them the sources for helping to teach science as many of them expressed that they were not confident with it
  • We have held professional development meetings which have focused entirely on science
  • I liked the content with delivered CPD, teaching other teachers and own reading/development. I would like to see more teachers from my ASG take the opportunity to develop their science
  • I have thoroughly enjoyed the PSMT CPD’s and feel that there has been a good variety in delivery of CPD. The hands on sessions have been fab with some great ideas for teaching the science curriculum
  • I have loved being part of the programme this year and look forward to developing science within my own setting

Moray’s Primary Science Mentor Training expands on the SSERC Primary Cluster programme and integrates hands on practical experiences with subject knowledge.

It encourages teachers to form a professional learning network to support them as they move forward with Science and STEM in their school. The addition of sessions on coaching and mentoring, DYW and Career Education Standards, Technologies, Parental Engagement and STEM have increased teacher confidence and from their feedback it has impacted positively on learner experiences.

The majority of participants responded with “to a great extent” to the following Question:

Tick all the ways that the PSMT CPD programme you attended has had a positive impact to you/in your school:

  • Improve my confidence in planning and delivering high-quality Science experiences for my learners
  • Improve my knowledge and skills about Science content
  • Learners are more engaged and motivated in learning Science
  • Learners have more opportunity to further develop their skills for learning, life and work
  • Learners aspirations regarding STEM careers have increased
  • I have promoted awareness of careers in Science and more widely, STEM
  • Learners attainment and achievement in Science has increased
  • I am more able to meet learners’ needs
  • I am more able to effectively monitor and report on learners’ progress in Science
  • I am more committed to my own career-long professional learning, seeking opportunities to develop my Science teaching further
  • My collegiality in school with my colleagues around planning and sharing good practice with my peers has increased
  • Professional dialogue in my school or setting has improved

From the positive statements above – why would you not sign up?

Access to the support of Professional Learning Community dedicated to STEM and Science (But sharing good practice across the board) ; access to high quality CPD from a variety of providers over the course of the year; resources to take back to school to use with classes…


SESSION 1 – THURSDAY 27th September.

Sign Up on Gateway CPD Manager! Flyer – Primary Science Mentors CPD


STEM Establishment of the Month – August 2018 = Glenlivet Primary

We are launching a STEM establishment of the month for 2018-19. This is an opportunity for Early Years centres, Primary and Secondary schools to share some of their fantastic STEM learning with other establishments in Moray. If you would like to enter simply tell us (from a pupil perspective if possible) what you have done and send us some (GDPR compliant) pictures.

Glenlivet Primary School – STEM Establishment of the Month August 2018

We have chosen Glenlivet Primary School for the first STEM Establishment of the month in 2018 because of their excellent work in STEM and IDL projects linking science, outdoor learning and digital learning skills.

We have seen lots of great examples STEM in a local context from Glenlivet Primary on Twitter over last year and look forward to seeing their work this session!

To get in touch with Glenlivet and discuss their excellent work in STEM – contact Head Teacher: Nancy Fraser


Moray STEM Showcase – Thursday 7th June

The Moray STEM Strategy Group (Moray Skills Pathway, SDS, Moray College UHI, DYW Moray, RAF Lossiemouth & Moray Council) cordially invite you to join them at the STEM Showcase & Partners Fair  on Thursday 7th June 4pm – 7pm at the Alexander Graham Bell Centre, Moray College UHI


See STEM Showcase Leaflet for details of the presentations including an opportunity to engage with the National STEM Education & Training Strategy and the 28 marketplace stands with a mix of STEM partners such as Aberdeen Science Centre, STEM Ambassadors, Eco Schools and showcases from our local schools, ELCs and Moray College UHI. In addition there will be a number of local STEM Businesses represented that are interested in making links with education.




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