Making crowns for the Queen’s birthday

The children had great fun learning a new craft and adding their own personal touch! We had to cut very carefully along the lines and then open the crown out . . very skilful work . . ..craftmanship fit for royalty!

DSCF4212 DSCF4213 DSCF4214 DSCF4215 DSCF4216 A royal waveDSCF4217 DSCF4218 DSCF4219 A curtseyDSCF4220 DSCF4221 DSCF4222 DSCF4223 DSCF4224 DSCF4225 DSCF4226 DSCF4238 DSCF4239 DSCF4240 DSCF4241 DSCF4242 DSCF4243 DSCF4244

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We looked very regal and our crowns were very decorative, we even tried to curtsey and wave regally!!