Making crowns for the Queen’s birthday

The children had great fun learning a new craft and adding their own personal touch! We had to cut very carefully along the lines and then open the crown out . . very skilful work . . ..craftmanship fit for royalty!

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We looked very regal and our crowns were very decorative, we even tried to curtsey and wave regally!!

Visit from a French speaking assistant

On Thursday 21st April we were very lucky to have a French Speaking  Assistant visit the nursery in the morning  to speak a little basic French with the children. They thoroughly enjoyed this experience and by the end of the short session were attempting some numbers, saying hello and goodbye, saying “my name is . . . “, and some colours. As a result of this the children agreed they would like to learn a bit more French and listen to some some songs. The following week we had “snail sandwiches” for snack (cream cheese sandwiches rolled into snail shapes), and we listened to some counting and traditional songs on the computer, and also listened to, and tried to sing along with, some nursery rhymes translated into French. We are hoping to do some more of that over the next few weeks.


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