Category Archives: Nursery News

Summer Raffle

The children from the morning nursery picked out the tickets for our summer raffle hampers and the lucky winners were Ailbhe and Amelia! Congratulations, I hope you enjoy the contents . . .and I hope we get a Summer that allows you to use what was in the hampers!!!


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Summer Raffle

The plans for our new nursery garden are taking off and we would like to hold one last raflle before the holidays.

We have 2 Summer Hampers up for grabs and this raffle is for one week only! The hampers contain summer toys, frozen cocktails, perfume, sun cream and some accessories to make enjoying the sunny weather (if we get any) even more  fun!

Tickets go on sale on Monday 20th June until Friday 24th and will be drawn on  Monday 27th June by the children.

Go on have a go!

This week 6/6/16

This week is National School Grounds Week. We are going to set the children small challenges to try to complete throughout the week using the available space and equipment, and we are going to ask the children for ideas on challenges to set for the week during group time. We are also going to use the opportunity to get the children to think about risk and assessing this risk whilst in the garden and then reporting back to the rest of the class in their groups.

It is also National Dough Disco Day on Thursday which we are looking forward to,  using some different songs and really practising those pre writing hand and finger strengthening exercises.


Nursery Sports

Even though it was a cold and cloudy day, which eventually rained on us, we had a fab sports Day on Wednesday 25th May. We started off with our races, and then a competitive parents race, we stopped for snack and then started our potted sports. To end the morning  we received a medal and a choc ice!

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Super Hero Day . . . what we have so far!!

Today is Super Hero day and we have been overwhelmed by the generosity of the donations given, and we know we have more to come. Here is a taster of what to expect today.

We have 3 raffles, adult, child and Super Hero, Guess the sweeties in the jar, Lucky Squares, cake and candy stall and a craft stall.

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Come along at 11am and 2.45pm to have a browse. Hope to see you all there!

Blueside morning visit to the Library

On Wednesday the blueside children walked to the library for our own storytime session. We had a tour of the library and then we acted out a story and sang a song about caterpillars turning into butterflies. We listened to a story about a boy who ate books and another silly story called “slugs for breakfast.” Then we got to choose some books to bring back to nursery before walking back up the road. Everyone had a really good time.

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The “Redside” Visit to Buckie Library

The morning and afternoon children from the red side walked down to Buckie Library on Wednesday 4th May for a story and fun session. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit, listening to stories and learning about  butterfly life cycles, and also a tour of the library. The blue side children are looking forward to their visit next wednesday (11th May).


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Afternoon children enjoying their visit


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Making crowns for the Queen’s birthday

The children had great fun learning a new craft and adding their own personal touch! We had to cut very carefully along the lines and then open the crown out . . very skilful work . . ..craftmanship fit for royalty!

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We looked very regal and our crowns were very decorative, we even tried to curtsey and wave regally!!