Apple ID Requirements (To be considered before purchasing Apple devices)

The current support agreements for iPads means that ICT configure the iPads to connect to the schools WiFi and schools then support the iPads once they are connected.  This therefore means that the creation of Apple IDs and the downloading and purchasing of apps etc is carried out by the school.


Currently to download apps on an iPad, the iPads must be signed in with an Apple ID which acts as an Apple User Account.  Apple has notified users that to comply with their Terms and Conditions, each iPad must be signed in with its own Apple ID.  Therefore, at the moment, the only way for schools to download and purchase apps would be to create an Apple ID per iPad.  Any apps would then have to be downloaded/purchased on each iPad individually.  This could take a considerable amount of time depending on the number of iPads your school has. Unfortunately this means that schools will not be able to receive the educational discount if bulk purchasing apps (20 or more).  There is also the risk that if we move to a different solution going forward, any purchases schools have made will be lost as Apple will not transfer purchases.


There are possible solutions which would give a more managed approach but these all have cost and resource implications. This will be discussed at the next Education & ICT Strategy Group meeting.


Please see table below for an overview of the existing situation.


Task Current Situation
Creation of Apple IDs Manually created by the school, 1 per iPad
Bulk app purchases


Receive educational discount on apps No
Deployment of apps Manually downloaded/purchased on each iPad individually by the school


Please consider this information carefully before purchasing iPads for your school before any Authority Wide Management Solution is considered.


If you already have iPads and are looking for guidance in the creation of Apple IDs and downloading apps, please contact the Moray Digital Learning Team at we have also attached “A Guide to creating Apple ID’s” for information. A Guide to Creating Apple IDs


Author: D. McKay

ICT Project Leader with The Moray Council. 24 Years in Education ICT and still learning.

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