Now that the Central link has been upgraded several schools are finding that their own connection is being fully utilised which leads to the school running slowly.
Many schools are unsure how all of the bandwidth is being used and aren’t aware of which sites could be using the bandwidth. ICT have checked the logs and the following sites are the top bandwidth users for Education.
If multiple users within your school are using the sites above, or any steaming media sites (Youtube, iPlayer, Video Sites, Radio Stations etc.), at the same time then the bandwidth within the school can become saturated.
One way of checking if this is the cause of slow speeds in your school is to check if the internet is still slow over lunch time when the pupils are not on the PCs.
Unfortunately until the Pathfinder Network is upgraded to SWAN later this year there is no way of increasing your schools bandwidth. Schools could try scheduling the use of sites like the ones above to help until the bandwidth is increased.