Slow Internet Tuesday 1st December

The current speed issues with the internet are being experienced due an issue with the JANET network. These issues are affecting multiple Authorities and JANET engineers are investigating the problem as a matter of urgency.

ICT will keep schools up to date with the progress.

UPDATE 2nd Dec:-  JANET have now verified that the fault was fixed over night and normal service has now been resumed.

UPDATE 4th Dec:- The issue has re-occurred and JANET are working on a resolution.

UPDATE 7th Dec:- JANET believed that the issue was cleared over the weekend, however our monitoring this monitoring is showing that there may still be a bandwidth issue. This has been escalated within SWAN as it is affecting all schools in Moray.

UPDATE 8th Dec:- JANET have confirmed they have been subject to another DDoS attack causing unplanned interruptions across the JANET network, resulting in intermittent service to all their customers. Their Network and Computer Security Incident Response Teams are currently working to resolve the incident.

UPDATE 10th Dec:- After a good day yesterday TMC have noticed that the bandwidth has once again been affected. This has been escalated to JANET.

TMC monitoring of the local network does not currently show that Moray is being affected but will keep a close eye on the situation.

UPDATE 15th Dec:- The bandwidth now appears to be stable although schools are using much more than normal which could be down to factors such as the live Launch of the British Astronaut. TMC continually monitor bandwidth and should there be any further issues we will update this site with information.

UPDATE 17th Dec:- After a good day yesterday where schools made a “New record” use of the bandwidth available, we are once again experiencing difficulties. This has been escalated within SWAN and with Education Scotland.

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