What’s Happening With The Email System?


Schools have been experiencing issues first thing in the morning with the staff email system. Schools normally notice the issue because external emails that they were expecting have not been delivered. This backlog of emails is being cause by the PureMessage filtering system.

To ensure that schools are protected from new threats the PureMessage system updates on an almost nightly basis, allowing it to keep up with any new threats that have been released since the last update.

Unfortunately something is going wrong with this automated process which runs at night. TMC are not the only customers affected and PureMessage are working on a resolution for all of their customers.

ICT are manually doing the updates after a failure to ensure that schools remain protected from even the newest threats. We will keep you updated on the progress of the resolution.

Why Did We Have Problems on Monday Morning?


Many Schools experienced mixed issues relating to some, or all of, the following:-  email, Wi-Fi, Printing and using the internet. This led to a great deal of frustration within the classrooms first thing on a Monday morning.

Because of the mixed nature of the issues being reported it was difficult to pinpoint the exact problem. However after investigation it was found that there was a failure with one of the Education core servers, Myschool01 which hosts:

PCounter:- Which was leading to the printing issues,

Radius Authentication Services:– Which secures the Wi-Fi network to authorised users and devices only.

Radius Server

Once this was discovered the problem was resolved within 30 minutes.

The email issues were unrelated but was also resolved at the same time.

If anyone is still experiencing problems please restart your machine as this will re-authenticate you. If you are still experiencing problems after this please raise a call via the online form.

ICT apologise for any disruption this outage may have caused.



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