Category Archives: Classes

Term 2 in P1A

We started off the new term by continuing with our Jolly Phonics, three new sounds a week, also the introduction of tricky words which will help with our reading.   We also have been give a reading book which will be changed twice a week.   Our class won the Shine award for October along with P6A.   The tens frames work has been developed so we are now using this for adding.   In our theme, we have discussed the weather and enjoyed finding out about different cloud formations.  Fiona Burnett visited us to tell us about recycling.   In the gym hall, we have used The Carnival of the Animals music to work on creative dance.  Primary 1 have also started on their craft for the Hythehill Craft Fayre, which will be held at the beginning of December.

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New school values – SHINE

We decided as a school some new school values. Our acronym is SHINE which stands for Success, Honest, Included, Nurtured leading to Excellence! Miss Edwards created a SHINE puzzle to take home for active homework to help us and our parents learn them. Here we are practising the puzzle in class so that we were experts for sharing it with our parents!

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Empty Classroom Day in P1A

In P1A, we went into the playground for a lesson to celebrate Empty Classroom Day.  We worked with a partner, to find an object from the playground.  When we found something, we gathered into a circle with sticky toes, then we had to describe our objects to our peers.   We had to use describing words for each object we found.  We did really well!

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P1 trip to Biblical Gardens, Tesco and the Cooper Park.

On Tuesday 14th June, all of P1 went to Elgin.  We split into 2 groups and we went to the Biblical Gardens then Tesco and finally the Cooper Park.  At the Biblical Gardens, some of the horticulture students and lecturers, gave up their own time to help us plant up some barrels, which had been donated by the Speyside Cooperage.

We visited Tesco – Farm to Fork – and looked at the fruit and vegetables, finding the ones that were the same as the colours of the rainbow.  Next,we tasted different cheese and then went to the bakery to taste some tiger bread -delicious!

We were lucky that Historic Scotland, allowed us into Elgin Cathedral to eat our lunches, then it was off to the Cooper Park for a short time.  Playing on the equipment was just what we needed after a busy day.

Thank you to UHI Moray, Tesco and Historic Scotland for making our day so enjoyable.   Our good behaviour was also noticed, so well done P1 children.

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Heritage Walk 10th June 2016

Friday morning saw P3a and P3b setting off for their walk around Lossiemouth to discover famous local people and places of interest. We started off by walking to Prospect Terrace where we found out all about Ramsay Macdonald at the viewpoint. Hythehill pupils helped to make the beautiful mosaics which tell the story of his life and what he felt was important.


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From there we headed to James Square where we found out about famous Lossie folk and then we walked to the harbours. We saw where the old railway line had been, looked at how the types of boats using the harbours had changed over the years and found out about the mine on the quay. We spotted the golden postbox outside the dentist’s surgery. This is for Heather Stanning who won a gold medal for rowing at the 2012 Olympics.

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Next stop was the cafe where Mr Guidi and his staff had a real treat waiting for us. We all had juice and a tub of delicious ice cream!

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We started walking back to school and had some time to stop at the park for lots of fun! Thank you to  all our helpers for coming with us –  we hope you had a good time too!

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Health Week – Rock Academy & SFEAR

Thank you to Rock Academy and SFEAR for allowing us to visit and have some training with them. Rock Academy staff taught the girls how to do ballet and Hip Hop while the boys learnt combat dance and Hip Hop. We all had a great time and look forward to trying some sessions for free. Thank you so much!


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Later that day we headed back across Lossie to SFEAR where we met Mrs Fletcher and her team. They taught us some of the exercises for kick boxing and we learnt the importance of respect for the mats and for the staff. Thank you to everyone for giving up their time and letting us try out this sport. We thoroughly enjoyed it!


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Health Week in P1A

Super week in P1A.  Very, very busy with many different activities for the children to experience.   First aid, dancing, rugby, tennis, circus skills – all very enjoyable.   We looked at France and learned about the country and we tasted some French foods too.  Here are a few pictures of the week.


Olympic Health Week day 4

A quieter day today for P1B as we had children from the nursery visiting our classroom.

The day kicked off with a fantastic assembly from P5/6 who not only delivered a super assembly but also planned it all themselves!

We then learnt a little bit more about Estonia.  We looked at where it is on the map and could see that it was a long way away from us here in Lossiemouth.  We made Estonian flags which we can’t wait to wave at our closing ceremony tomorrow.


After play we did a couple of energisers (Mrs Laing came and joined us and showed off some of her dance moves!) Then we decided to do some drama following the story of the Greedy Zebra.

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After lunch we started our session off with some nice relaxing yoga, then we looked at the Olympics.  We discovered that the Olympics was first held over 2000 years ago.  We looked at the different medals that have been won at the Olympics over the years and decided that we should design our own Olympic gold medal for Rio 2016. We enjoyed sitting, drawing, colouring and chatting about what we had learned over the week.

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