Coastal Classrooms 5 – Whales and Dolphins 26 May

Today we worked with Wildthings leaders, James and Katie and Naomi and Lorna from the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.

The session started with us gathering in a sticky toe circle to find out all about being a scientist. We learnt how to do a Shore watch with Lorna from WDCS and then started completing our survey sheets. For this we had to use the binoculars to look closely for sea life. There were no dolphins but we spotted sea birds and a cute little pied wagtail.


Next we discovered how big porpoises, bottlenose dolphins and Minke whales are. Naomi and Mrs Summers used the tape measure to show us how big a blue whale is – we ran out of tape measure!




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Naomi from WDCS showed us parts of dolphins – skulls, teeth and the bones inside pectoral fins. We felt a sperm whale’s tooth and touched baleen from a whale.

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Before we headed back to school we played the Dolphin Ecolocation game -it was so hard for the “dolphin” to catch the “fish”when there was lots of noise from us pretending to be boats.

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Mrs Summers tried being a dolphin too. It took her ages to locate Summer, the fish! See you next week for the last session.