P1 trip to Biblical Gardens, Tesco and the Cooper Park.

On Tuesday 14th June, all of P1 went to Elgin.  We split into 2 groups and we went to the Biblical Gardens then Tesco and finally the Cooper Park.  At the Biblical Gardens, some of the horticulture students and lecturers, gave up their own time to help us plant up some barrels, which had been donated by the Speyside Cooperage.

We visited Tesco – Farm to Fork – and looked at the fruit and vegetables, finding the ones that were the same as the colours of the rainbow.  Next,we tasted different cheese and then went to the bakery to taste some tiger bread -delicious!

We were lucky that Historic Scotland, allowed us into Elgin Cathedral to eat our lunches, then it was off to the Cooper Park for a short time.  Playing on the equipment was just what we needed after a busy day.

Thank you to UHI Moray, Tesco and Historic Scotland for making our day so enjoyable.   Our good behaviour was also noticed, so well done P1 children.

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