Term 2 in P1A

We started off the new term by continuing with our Jolly Phonics, three new sounds a week, also the introduction of tricky words which will help with our reading.   We also have been give a reading book which will be changed twice a week.   Our class won the Shine award for October along with P6A.   The tens frames work has been developed so we are now using this for adding.   In our theme, we have discussed the weather and enjoyed finding out about different cloud formations.  Fiona Burnett visited us to tell us about recycling.   In the gym hall, we have used The Carnival of the Animals music to work on creative dance.  Primary 1 have also started on their craft for the Hythehill Craft Fayre, which will be held at the beginning of December.

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New school values – SHINE

We decided as a school some new school values. Our acronym is SHINE which stands for Success, Honest, Included, Nurtured leading to Excellence! Miss Edwards created a SHINE puzzle to take home for active homework to help us and our parents learn them. Here we are practising the puzzle in class so that we were experts for sharing it with our parents!

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