Coastal Classrooms 6~ Rockpooling and Celebration

This was our last session with Wildthings and we went rockpooling at West Beach. Ruaridh and James got us to risk assess before we went near the rocks – we are getting so good at doing this!

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We found loads of creatures in the rockpools – lots of hermit crabs, a starfish, a sand worm, shore crabs and a brittle starfish with a broken leg. Nets and sieves were used to catch them all carefully and then we put them into trays with water. We let the hermit crabs crawl on our hands and saw their pincers shooting out of the shells.

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James did a quiz with us to check what we had learned at all the Coastal Classrooms sessions. We passed every unit and he thought we were awesome!


Ruaridh and James helped us to build  a safety circle before we learnt what is needed for fire making – fuel, heat and oxygen. Ruaridh lit a fire really quickly, even though it was very windy. Once the fire was burning we were allowed to toast a marshmallow on a stick – delicious!

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The session ended with us gathering in a sticky toe circle and sharing our favourite Coastal Classroom activities. James said that the best bit for him was our very good behaviour and how we had learnt so much.

Mrs Gray and Mrs Summers were so pleased and proud of us.

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Thank you Wildthings – we’ve all had a brilliant time and we have learnt so much about life on the coast, coastal creatures and how we can help with conservation!
