Coastal Classrooms 4 ~ Sea Birds

This session saw us walking all the way from school to East Beach. We risk assessed the journey, thinking about the two main roads we had to cross.

On arriving at the old wooden bridge, we met James and Ruaraidh who took us to the beach beside the River Lossie.

We spoke about what makes a bird a bird and what some birds do in winter. We learnt that some birds migrate because our winter is too cold for them and they often fly long distances facing many threats on the way.

We played the Migration game where a large group of house martins and sand martins had to avoid threats such as pollution, hunters, stormy weather and habitat destruction.

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We then worked with our leaders to learn about different birds and how their heads, bodies, wings and legs are similar and different. We made a crazy bird together, thinking about the type of features it would have.

After that we used binoculars to observe the birds beside the river. We saw bird tracks, discovering that birds have four toes. They have three at the front and one at the back. Some tracks showed us that a herring gull had walked over to an orange golf ball and then walked away when it found out that it wasn’t food!

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Look what we spotted – a beautiful heron. It stayed in the river for the whole time we were there and waded in the water. We spotted it leaning forward and spearing a fish with its long straight beak! On the way back, we saw another heron at the mouth of the river!

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