
Welcome to the Music Department

The Music Department is a lively and creative environment where we aim to promote a positive, respectful and caring ethos and encourage our pupils to be ambitious, confident and resilient. From S1, pupils have the opportunities in and out of class to develop their music based skills as well as building skills for success. Learning key skills such as organisation, responsibility and teamwork, to name but a few, should give them the tools to use in life and work in addition to their learning.

The Music Department offer extra-curricular activities for all years to take part in. Current activities include ‘Singers’ and ‘Ukulele Group’. These are open to all levels of ability and in addition to weekly rehearsals, provide the chance to perform at the annual Christmas Concert. This fantastic event showcases the variety of talent from vocalists to guitarists to instrumentalists who are in the department and allows friends and family to be involved and support the performers in a friendly environment. For all of those who are part of the event it is a character building experience and a fun evening of musical entertainment. Pupils from the Music Department also perform in the community and have sung Christmas Carols in Tesco and demonstrated their talents in the Town Hall Youth Concert.


BGE Course Outlines

All BGE courses cover the three key areas of Performing, Creating and Understanding. During S1 – S3, through learning about music in a variety of diverse styles, pupils develop technical skills on their chosen instruments, create music in these different genres and learn about related musical concepts that can be identified by listening to the music. Pupils are given the opportunity to work in both solo and group settings and are involved in giving performances and being part of an audience. A vital part of this is being able to give accurate and detailed feedback on the work of others as well as being involved in self-evaluation and target setting. These courses should then offer a smooth transition for those continuing with Music into the Senior Phase.

Homework and deadlines are all part of the learning process from S1-S6 and in the BGE, we expect pupils to complete homework to the best of their ability and meet all deadlines on time. For Music, even the practical element has homework and practising instruments at home or in the department out-with class time is a vital part of the courses and making the best progress. All homework and deadlines are published on Show My Homework.

Here is a more detailed look at the units covered:

S1 BGE Music
PERFORMING Instrumental tasters – Keyboard, Ukulele, Guitar, Bass Guitar, Drum-kit and Tuned Percussion. (Terms 1 + 2)

Group Performance of various styles of Popular music on instrument of own choice (Terms 3 + 4)

CREATING Stimulus composition on own choice of instrument (Term 3) Blues Improvisation (Term 4)
UNDERSTANDING Music Literacy, Rock ‘n’ Roll Music (Term 3), Blues and Jazz Unit(Term 4)


S2 BGE Music
PERFORMING Group Performances of Scottish music and Film Music on instrument of own choice. (Term 1+2)

Solo Performance on Instrument 1 and Instrument 2. (Term 1+3)

Samba Performance (Term 3)

Group Performance – In At The Deep End – an independent learning task to produce a song cover. (Term 4)

CREATING Group Composition – Foley type with cartoon (Term 2), Introduction to Composing with Music Technology using melody and rhythm. (Term 4)
UNDERSTANDING Music Literacy, Scottish Music (Term 1) Orchestra and Film Music (Term 1), Musicals and Vocal Music (Term 2), World Music (Term 3)


S3 BGE Music
PERFORMING Solo performance on Instrument 1 and Instrument 2(Term 1, 2+3), Group Performance – music literacy context (Term 3) Class Performance (Term 4) Group Performance – In at the Deep End. (Term 4)
CREATING Compose a Scottish Reel (Term 1), Compose a Song (Term 2), Blues Composition, (Term 3) Waltz Composition (Term 4)
UNDERSTANDING Musical Literacy, Scottish Music (Term 1), Vocal Music (Term 2), Blues and Jazz Music, World Music (Term 3)

Senior Phase Course Outlines

The Music department at present offers National 3, 4 and 5 Music as well as Higher and Advanced Higher Music. These can be studied as full courses or individual units. There is also the opportunity of the unit ‘Performing on ONE Instrument’ from levels 4-7, currently being offered as a DYW elective.

 Homework and deadlines are an essential part of the Senior Phase courses and we expect pupils to complete homework to the best of their ability and meet all deadlines on time. For Music, even the practical element has homework and practising instruments at home or in the department out-with class time is a vital part of the courses and making the best progress. We strongly recommend that pupils practise their instruments on a daily basis in addition to what they do in class. Practise rooms are available at lunchtimes and after school and staff are available to assist.  All homework and deadlines are published on Show My Homework and displayed in the classrooms.

Here is a more detailed look at the courses:

National 4 
PERFORMING  8 Minute Programme of pieces built up between Instrument 1 (or Voice) and Instrument 2. BGE Level 4 or Grade 2 equivalent of pieces played.

Pieces are recorded internally under exam conditions and evaluated.

COMPOSING Explore and develop musical ideas to create ONE piece of music in a style of their own choice demonstrating satisfactory use of melody, rhythm and structure.
UNDERSTANDING Learning N3 and N4 Music Concepts and musical literacy in the following units: Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, World Music, Scottish Music and Modern Music.

Identifying these musical concepts in musical excerpts forms part of the assessment along with musical literacy questions.


National 5 
PERFORMING  8 Minute Programme of pieces built up between Instrument 1(or Voice) and Instrument 2. Grade 3 equivalent of pieces played.

The final exam involves an SQA Visiting Assessor coming to the school and marking the pupil performance. This is worth 50% of the N5 Music course award.

COMPOSING ASSIGNMENT Explore and develop musical ideas to create ONE piece of music in a style of their own choice demonstrating use of melody, rhythm and structure. The final piece is recorded, a score or performance plan is produced and a detailed review of the process and final piece is written. This is sent to SQA for marking. The composing assignment is worth 15% of the final grade.
UNDERSTANDING Revision of N3, N4 and learning N5 Music Concepts and musical literacy in the following units: Instrumental Music, Vocal Music, World Music, Scottish Music and Modern Music.

Identifying these musical concepts in musical excerpts forms part of the assessment along with musical literacy questions. The final exam will be in the SQA exam diet and the Question Paper is 45 minutes long and is worth 35% of the final grade.


PERFORMING  12 Minute Programme of pieces built up between Instrument 1(or Voice) and Instrument 2. Grade 4 equivalent of pieces played.

The final exam involves an SQA Visiting Assessor coming to the school and marking the pupil performance. This is worth 50% of the Higher Music course award.

COMPOSING ASSIGNMENT Explore and develop musical ideas to create ONE piece of music in a style of their own choice demonstrating use of melody, harmony, rhythm and structure. The final piece is recorded, a score or performance plan is produced and a detailed review of the process and final piece is written. This is sent to SQA for marking. The composing assignment is worth 15% of the final grade.
UNDERSTANDING Revision of N3, N4 and N5 and learning Higher Music Concepts and musical literacy in the following units: Early Music and Renaissance, Baroque Music, Classical and Romantic Music and Modern Music.

Identifying these musical concepts in musical excerpts forms part of the assessment along with musical literacy questions. The final exam will be in the SQA exam diet and the Question Paper is 60 minutes long and is worth 35% of the final grade.


Advanced Higher 
PERFORMING  18 Minute Programme of pieces built up between Instrument 1 (or Voice) and Instrument 2. Grade 5 equivalent of pieces played.

The final exam involves an SQA Visiting Assessor coming to the school and marking the pupil performance. This is worth 60% of the AH Music course award.

CREATING Explore and develop musical ideas to create ONE piece of music in a style of their own choice demonstrating use of melody, harmony, rhythm, timbre and structure. The final piece is recorded, a score or performance plan is produced and a detailed review of the process and final piece is written. At present this is internally marked and must be passed to complete the full course award.
UNDERSTANDING Revision of N3- Higher concepts and learning Advanced Higher Music Concepts and musical literacy in the following units: Early Music and Renaissance, Baroque, Classical and Romantic Music and Modern Music.

Identifying these musical concepts in musical excerpts forms part of the assessment along with musical literacy questions. The final exam will be in the SQA exam diet and the Question Paper is 75 minutes long and is worth 40% of the final grade.


A project based on the analysis of two chosen pieces of music to demonstrate research of social and cultural influences and understanding of musical features used in the pieces. The final project is assessed internally and must be passed to gain the overall course award.

Useful Websites – For revision of musical concepts from N3 – AH along with video examples. – For revision of all musical concepts with quizzes and games to aid revision. (no password required, just use the tabs at the top.) – Select Music and there are video clips under the headings for National 4, National 5 and Higher Music. Clips are for Performing skills, Composing Skills and Understanding Music.  is a great resource to look up videos about musical concepts or use to find backing tracks for Performing skills or tutorials.


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