Design & Technology

This department offers pupils the opportunity to develop real and transferable skills in a variety of different subject areas. Pupils are challenged to work individually, with a partner and as part of a team. This approach encourages pupils to be creative and to use analytical thought processes to solve problems with their designs. We also endeavour to develop practical hand skills and organisation through workshop based projects to improve their life skills.

Course & Qualifications

S1 – S3

CfE Broad General Education

S4 – S6

National 4 & 5 Practical Woodwork

National 4 & 5 Graphic Communication

National 4 & 5 Engineering Science

Higher Graphic Communication

Higher Engineering Science

Advanced Higher Graphic Communication

Further Information

Our pupils get the chance to experience opportunities which allow them to explore their own imaginations and limitations and we actively encourage pupils to strive for the best. We support them to achieve this through an open door policy and with lunchtime support.  All our courses will assist pupils as they move on from school whether employment or tertiary education especially vocational trades, engineering, design and architecture.

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