Hello and welcome to a new week of Home Learning.
The weather was a bit on the grey side at the weekend so I hope your VE Day picnics weren’t rained off. I’m looking forward to hearing about them on this week’s Team meeting.
We will meet again this week at 10am on Wednesday 13th May. Now that we have gotten to grips with log ins and functions we aim to have a more structured meeting with opportunities to hear from all pupils, if they wish to contribute. Pupils are welcome to log on, join the meeting and listen in without pressure to contribute. We will use a mix of verbal and chat function to gather consensus and share experiences on the following; VE Day Celebrations, Introducing yourself in another language, Heinemann Active Maths, Ways you are keeping active & your favourite hobby, book, video games, TV series that you are into right now and is helping you through lockdown.
As well as Home Learning that will be posted below, Mrs Taylor & Miss McNab are uploading their own weekly Home Learning suggestions. This is located on the front page of the Bishopmill School Website and is another option for pupils to engage in Expressive Arts & Physical Education.
With VE Day recently celebrated it was a key moment in WW2 that swayed momentum and brought victory for the Allies. This was the final hurdle in Europe and consigned the Nazi’s & The Axis to defeat. But which other battles in WW2 were significant for turning the tide, swinging momentum and changing the course of the war? We have already looked at the Blitz, so can you research and report on another WW2 battle?
Please share your findings on 1 page, either hand written & drawn with information (location, countries involved, length of battle) stats, pictures etc, or created digitally on a word doc or PowerPoint slide – whatever works for you. Some key WW2 battles include ;
- Battle of the Bulge (December of 1944 to January of 1945)
- Battle of Berlin (April to May of 1945)
- Battle of Midway (June of 1942)
- Battle of Okinawa (April to June of 1945)
- Battle of Stalingrad (August of 1942 to February of 1943)
- Operation Barbarossa (June to December of 1941) .
These are suggestions, so you can research another if you wish.
Literacy – Modern Languages – German & French
Jumping on from VE Day, Europe has a large variation in languages and cultures. At Bishopmill we are fortunate to have Mrs Bokor, Mrs McCutcheon & Mrs Hopes teach us German & French on a regular basis. Can you choose either of these languages and practice introducing yourself? Aim to try and learn the following:
- Hello. My name is……..
- How old you are
- Where you are from (Elgin or Scotland/England,UK etc)
- 2 things you like doing / enjoy
- Saying Goodbye
This is a little revision task and to help you there are lots of online resources.
Duolingo – This app is free but requires to create an account.
I will be trying to learn the above in French and hopefully I can share with you on Teams.
- 1 digit by 2 digit – eg 6 x 47
- 2 digit by 2 digit – eg 83 x 61
- 3 digit by 2 digit – eg 942 x 28
- 3 digit by 3 digit – eg 975 x 468
Remember to extend your grid for larger questions.
If there is a particular maths skill you wish to practice (time, angles, measurement, money etc) please email me through GLOW and I can set games that will help you practice these skills.
As we are spending a lot of time digitally connected to each other, it’s important to remember best conduct when we are browsing social media and the power of our digital messages. Be Internet Legends is a series of 4 Digital Islands teaching ideal digital behaviour through games. They are free and encourage progression through making the correct digital choices such as how to spot spam, block and report unwanted messages, how to flag message that are offensive or may cause harm and generally be respectful online.
Parental Info –https://beinternetlegends.withgoogle.com/en_uk/parents
Scratch is a programming language and an online community where children can program and share interactive media such as stories, games, and animation with people from all over the world. As children create with Scratch, they learn to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically.
Will you create some art, make a game, tell a story, compose music?
As always I am available on Twitter, GLOW email or through the Bishopmill Admin email. Please do not hesitate to contact me with anything you think I can support you with.
Kind Regards,