Welcome to P5MB page
This page is to assist and support you with your learning. Please feel free to access the activities as often as you feel necessary. We do not expect you to do all these activities in a given timescale, it is just a suggestion. As always we recommend working around your own family circumstances.
Please find the link to a pack of a wealth of resources at the top of this page you can use to support your learning.
Tasks for this week, which you may wish to complete:
Numeracy – times tables, access topmarks hit button, Active Heinemann and Sumdog websites for games to support learning and using times tables.
Writing – Write a diary of what you have done this week, enjoyed etc. Reflect on this at the end of the week, what might you change next week?
Reading – A Reading Challenge was set to read a home reader and complete a book review. You might also wish to complete this clarifying task.
CLARIFY – Write down any words that you don’t know the meaning of. Look up a dictionary, google or ask Alexa what the word means. Re read the passage to make sure it makes sense to you.
Health and Wellbeing – Get the music on and have a dance! Exercise has so many benefits for our physical and mental health. You can do it on your own or get a family member to join in. There are a number of websites to help motivate you. Joe Wicks has a variety of workouts:
Joe Wicks 15 Minute Low Impact
The Body Coach TV – YouTube or try some relaxing Yoga
Cosmic Kids
Please find attached some ideas you may wish to play over the holidays. Enjoy. Easter-Ideas
Wishing you all a safe and happy Easter Break
Mrs McLeod and Mrs Bokor