P4/5W – Week 3

Thank you so much to those of you who have been on touch on twitter and/or through your Glow email, it has been lovely to be able to check in with you and see what you have been doing. My twitter handle is; @BishopmillMrsG and my Glow email is gw15berkeleycaroline@glow.sch.uk if you or your parent wants or needs to contact me about anything. Mr Stuart has uploaded a video onto our school Youtube channel, showing how to log onto Glow and will be uploading more videos over the coming weeks.
If you have any pictures of what you have been doing at home (even if it is not one of the tasks below or school work) then ask your parent/guardian to @ me in their tweet and I will see it, comment and retweet. If you have any questions, then ask your parent to direct message me through twitter or contact me through my Glow email.
Mr Stuart has set up a survey to help us better support families during this time and we would all be very grateful if you could spare a few minutes to answer some questions. Here’s the link: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/9GCC7Q3 Thank you!
See the school website homepage for the full home learning pack.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Stay safe,
Mrs Gee


Your maths focus for this week is time. Continue to practise your o’clock, half past, quarter to and quarter past times. If you can, try telling the time using 5 minute intervals. If you really want a challenge, see if you are able to tell the time to 1 minute intervals.
Time is not just about telling the time on the clock. Days of the week, months of the year and time taken to complete something are also part of learning about time.

  • Start by making sure you know all the days of the week and months of the year. Then, see if you can think of key events for each month of the year – for example; your birthday, Valentine’s Day, the start of the new school year etc. You can do this by just talking to someone at home about it, you can write it down as a list, or you could get creative and draw pictures to go with each month or make a poster.
  • Your next time activity is to estimate and time how long it takes to complete certain tasks. If your siblings or family members are able to get involved, that might make things extra fun! Remember to predict how long the task will take before you start timing though, this is a very important step.
    For example, I might estimate how long it takes Mr Gee to make a cup of coffee. My estimate would be 1 minute. Then I would time Mr Gee and see if I was close with my estimate. It is very unlikely that your predictions will be the same as the actual time taken to do something, you are looking for your estimate to be close to the time taken, not the exact number. Make it as fun as you like! See how long it takes someone to do 10 star jumps, or even eat three crackers without a drink of water!
    This activity can be written down or you can do it as a practical task.

I will put some more time games onto your Heinemann Active Maths accounts this week and set another challenge on Sumdog.

You can also continue to work on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division at your own level. You can never be too good at these!


This week, try writing a diary entry. You could do this for just one day, or you could write something each day about what you have been doing. Here are some things to think about when writing your diary entry;
– Include the date
– Remember to write in the past tense
– Use words like ‘I’, ‘we’ and ‘my’
– Write about events in the order they happened
– Include how you felt
– Use time words like ‘first’, ‘next’ and ‘then’
– Maybe draw a picture to go with your diary entry

Keeping a diary during lockdown will not only help with your writing, sentence structure, spelling, handwriting etc, but it will also be interesting to look back on in years to come, to remember what life in lockdown was like. You might even share it with children of your own one day!

You should continue reading books that you enjoy. There are also many audio books available to download online for free while schools are closed. Look at audible for a huge selection of free audio books Audible stories
Choose and listen to or read a story. Pick 5 words that you are unsure of or do not know the meaning of. Write each of them in any style of writing you like – bubble, curly, capitals, dots, rainbow, anything you like! Then look up the meaning of each word. You can do this by using a dictionary, search on an online dictionary, or even ask a virtual assistant like Alexa, Siri, Cortana or Google Home, if you have access to one. This process is part of reciprocal reading and is called clarifying.
Health and Wellbeing

You can, of course, continue to do PE with Joe Wicks or any of the health and wellbeing activities listed last week. A couple of new ideas for online classes you can exercise with are;

– Kimberley Wyatt from the Pussycat Dolls who is doing children’s dance lessons on her Instagram every Wednesday and Friday at 10am.

– Sarah Du-Feu, known as ‘The Ballet Coach’ who is doing primary school level ballet classes on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4pm and on a Saturday morning at 10am.

Keeping active does not have to involve an online class though. Going for a daily walk, playing in your garden and kicking a ball about are all ways that you can be active and keep fit while using little to no equipment and getting some fresh air.



I had a request from one of you to include some science in this week’s tasks, which made me smile. If anyone has anything in particular they want to learn about or a curricular area they want me to include, please ask and I will see what I can do. It is so lovely to hear more about what you are interested in.

While we cannot go on any day trips or visit the zoo at the moment, many places have been doing live zoo tours! Two of my favourites have been by Chester Zoo and Longleat through their Facebook pages. This week, take a virtual tour of a zoo or wildlife park or watch their live cameras (Edinburgh Zoo have some). Choose your favourite animal from the video and create a project on it. Things you could research and include in your fact file are;
– Name of animal
– Scientific name of animal
– Average lifespan
– Diet
– Size/weight/height
– Is it endangered?
– Group name
– Originally from
– Fun facts
– Pictures (printed or drawn)

Some websites that could help you:
Animal Fact Guide https://animalfactguide.com/animal-facts/
National Geographic Kids https://www.natgeokids.com/uk/
Science Kids https://www.sciencekids.co.nz/sciencefacts/animals.html

If you would like a challenge, then try to link your science task to your class topic, China. See if you can find out some animals that originate from China and create a fact file for one of them. The animal do not have to be from one of the zoo tours if you want to do this challenge, you can choose any animal that originates from China. Good luck!


Hope you have a great week, P4/5W. Please contact me at any time if you have any questions or want to share what you have been doing at home. Best wishes, Mrs Gee.


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